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The Resurrection of a Happy Parent

Recently I decided to play a little trick on my four-year-old girl. We were in my bedroom and I suddenly decided to turn off the light and run out of the room as fast as I could. I knew she would love this. I knew she would immediately understand that she needed to chase me…


How To Choose Your Creations Wisely

Responsibility takes on a whole new meaning when you become a parent. You are now responsible for a small child – feeding them, clothing them, keeping them safe, educating them about the correct way to behave…it sometimes feels like a heavy task. I’ve caught myself many times over the past years focusing outwardly on all…

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Does Your Child Look Like You?: Appearance and True Identity

The question I most often get as a parent, from friends, family members and strangers alike, is, “whom do you think your child looks like?” By that I think they mean, “Is your child a physical copy of you or your husband?” Visually speaking, I don’t think my children look like copies of anyone; they…

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How To Find The Time To Give YourSelf The Gift Of Meditation

I am a parent of three young ones and I Meditate. Everyday. For hours. The reaction I most get is, “How do you find the TIME!?!” How does one “find the time” for anything, really? Parenting, marriage, friendship, Service and Meditation – for me it boils down to Commitment. I “find the time” because I…