
Stop Drinking! Start Meditating!

I am bored of the “mom stereotypes” that perpetuate social media these days. Scrolling through my Facebook feed, not a day goes by that I don’t see something about my “favorite” stereotype – moms and wine. Yesterday it was a meme that said, “kids are so expensive because of all the wine I have to buy…”

As a mom of three (almost four) children, I feel almost insulted by this stereotype. There seems to be a generally accepted notion that moms can’t “deal” without the aid of alcohol – or that life isn’t good until a glass of wine is in a mom’s hand.

Well, I am here to tell you that I not only “deal” with the responsibility of parenthood without the use of alcohol (I don’t drink or consume alcohol in any way) but that I have something even better to help me “cope” with parenthood. I have Meditation and The Teachings brought forth by Dr. Roger B. Lane, Founder and Director of Cosmos Tree, Inc. Through the Meditation technique taught at the Cosmos Tree Center in New York City and through the many Tools and Resources Cosmos Tree offers (many for free and available on the Web site) I not only am able to “cope” with being a mom – but I live my life freely, from a Spiritual Perspective. What does that mean for me? It means that I approach my family, my home, my responsibilities from a place of Gratitude and Neutrality. I live my life knowing I am Spirit and with that Focus I am Present in my life and able to fully experience its Joy.

For me, the experience of being truly Present – in the moment – knowing life is a gift that continually gives me Opportunities to surrender, learn, and grow is a far better “stress-reliever” than any alcohol-induced stupor I can imagine moms (and really everyone who drinks) want.

My second “favorite” stereotype that I see in mainstream media is the “mom’s weekend away”. This time away from family tends to include debauchery, wild nights, alcohol (of course), and a “who gives a shit – not me!” sort of attitude. Does this really happen? Are there moms out there taking these kinds of weekends away – and truly enjoying them?

I was away for the weekend recently. The entire weekend – Friday morning through Sunday night. Husband was home with the kids and I was on my own. It was lovely. My destination was the Cosmos Tree Center in New York City. While I relished the time by myself (at the airport sitting quietly; in a bathroom taking a shower without three screaming kids ALSO in said bathroom…) the highlight of my trip was being at the Center. There I sat in Meditation; listened to a Talk given by Dr. Lane that furthered my understanding of what it means to live as the Spirit I am; and spent time conversing, laughing, and caring with a group of like-minded and like-hearted people. I don’t live in New York City but I visit as often as I can. Dr. Lane and the offerings at Cosmos Tree and CRASS (Cosmos Tree’s sister organization) is why I go but the community there and the support I’ve found from these amazing people who live from a place of Loving Kindness is the cherry on top.

Moms, I beseech you! Put down your glass of wine! Read a Tools For Living Free, available on the Cosmos Tree Web site (for free) if you are struggling with something or feel like you are at your wits’ end. And then get yourself to the Center in New York City.

Whether you live in New York or not come to the Center! Meet Dr. Lane and the amazing community of people who frequent the Center! Meditate! De-stress! Know you are Spirit! I promise you, you won’t miss the wine.

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