An Approach To Excellence in Anything

Twelve days ago, I was being of Loving Service by cleaning the Cosmos Tree Home Center. And boy! would it have been easy to rush through it by running my own agenda: “let me get this over with so I can go on to the next thing! After all, who wants to clean?”

Certainly not a basic self – the part of me that brings forward my karmic patterns – unless I get their cooperation, which I did by Calling in the Light Of The Most High inside mySelf, “For the Highest Good, Lord, God, send me Your Light!” Then: “Basics, come present! I’m cleaning the Home Center now and I need your cooperation and energy to support me in this. Thank you and let’s keep up the good work with this.”

And, instead of my own stuff – “I’ll do XYZ and this will happen” – I stayed in Integrity, Which is the Focus at God/Spirit. Not my stuff; God’s Agenda.

In Tools For Living Free #2 Titled “The Power of Letting Go” Dr. Lane, the Founder/Director of Cosmos Tree and Center For Religion And Advanced Spiritual Studies, explains the “XYZ approach” using a business-based example but, as I’ve Learned from Dr. Lane, My Spiritual Teacher, any situation will do: “Let’s just say … you would like to accomplish the goal called X. … And in the back of your mind you go, ‘I’m going to do it by having contact with this person, which is going to cause X to happen, which, in turn, will cause Y to happen, which will turn into Z and we’ll have X, Y, Z and that’s how it will be done’. … But you can’t have it both ways. In other words, you can’t Allow God to work in your life and work your life – because what’ s inside of you other than God, – and … manipulate, control, cause things to happen.”

I stayed with the Project and its “goal” – for the Center to be clean and, in particular, dust-free.

I got my next steps inwardly – exciting “inner surprises” – in perfect timing. “OK! Doorknobs! Next step! Back of chair! Next step! Vacuum under the rug near the door! OK! Bottom of the lamp!”

I was led to dust I never knew existed.

And, yes, when I heard those “inner voices”, there was a part of me that wanted to override them, as Dr. Lane explains in Tools For Living Free # 44, “Excuses, Excuses – Let’s Be Done With Them!”: “I’ve been working with people for a long time and the common denominator of all these people who come to me – and when they get in trouble it is for one reason and one reason only – they didn’t listen to themSelves. They didn’t listen to the Spirit inside of them. And they overran It with their ego. They overran It with their ego.”

There was definitely a part of me that wanted to run right past those “inner voices”; especially, as I had already put the vacuum cleaner away when I heard some of them. A part of me didn’t want to get it out again! And there’s The Protocol for cleaning the Center that requires that once I finish cleaning, I wait 20 minutes with the windows open to air things out. Who wants to start the clock all over again?


By simply Surrendering my agenda.

I thanked my basics a number of times throughout this adventure by saying, “For the Highest Good, Lord, God send me Your Light!” Then: “Basics, come present! Thank you so much for your cooperation and energy in supporting me in vacuuming under the rug now, etc. Let’s keep up the good work with this!” I could feel the “press” of them inside mySelf and I chose to handle it right away.

The biggest part of this for me, though, was simply choosing to Listen to mySelf. Up until now, I’ve given my power away, often to people I’ve set up as experts or, at least, a lot better at things than I am; in this case, cleaning. As the inner story goes, “I’m OK with work stuff but domestic things? A bomb.”

Time to drop my story, which I clearly did.

As Spirit, I’m the Most Powerful Thing There is, as Dr. Lane Teaches.

I realized that this Approach is applicable to anything I do. I can make The Effort through Focus, Surrender and Self-Talk at whatever it is even if a part of me doesn’t feel like it and I can do an excellent job to boot even if I don’t know anything at all and I intend to do that.

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Are You Making A Decision For Someone Else? It’s Time To Stop.

In the November 2022 Satsang Given by My Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, Who is also the Founder/Director of Cosmos Tree and Center For Religion And Advanced Spiritual Studies (CRASS) and the Dean of Its Magnificent Seminary, My Teacher shared the following, which is excerpted from the January/February/March 2023 Issue of SpiritCentral, theCosmos Tree/CRASS Newsletter:

“Our Teacher then shared another example, that of ‘making a decision for someone else … this person wanted to do “x, y and z” but was afraid to bring it up to her husband and so she didn’t do “x, y and z” … She had given over her power. She was disrespectful to herSelf. She was disrespectful to her husband and when she shared it with her husband … the response was ‘I don’t even know I would have said “no”. …’”

The other day, I was contacting some clients to share something business-wise:  my company enters companies and/or their executives for awards. I was suggesting to some clients who had signed up for a particular award that I now believe another award is more beneficial for a number of reasons, one of which is that I believe they have a better or slightly better chance of winning. This suggested “shift” sometimes happens after I’ve spent time researching a company and can then make a more “educated” decision re: the best awards “fit” for them. In this case, the shift also made things easier for me deadline-wise. It was, as they say, “a win-win”.

Yet, I was somehow choosing away from sharing this information with one particular client so he could decide: the old award or this newly suggested one?

Instead, I started to concoct a story inside mySelf re: what would happen if I did call; for instance, that making the shift would be a “real song and dance” in terms of getting final approval on it.

Then, I stopped and asked mySelf, “what do The Teachings say about this?” And I immediately “got” that “making a decision for someone else” goes against The Teachings.

My job as an Initiate Of The Sound Current On The Path Of Soul Transcendence is to simply put it out. And to do so Neutrally.

So I did. My contact at the company chose the shift for the reasons I offered; and, also, because it satisfied concerns of his about categories for the old award, which he now took the opportunity to share; as for that “approval”, nothing of the sort needed.  

As for that concocted story, underneath it was fear. Of the responses of others; of speaking up; of getting yelled at; of making a mistake (having to be perfect). A whole bunch of patterns from childhood and, as I’ve Learned from My Teacher, before that.

Moreover, as an Initiate, I Know that negativity that I persist in is karma for which I’m responsible.

And, choosing away from that sharing, as I Learned from the November Talk, would have been incredibly disrespectful to the executive and everyone else I’m working with at the company. And, to mySelf/the Spirit I am/The Teacher because I’m outside of Integrity/The Teachings. Because we’re all One Spirit, the karma/negativity I choose to create affects All Souls.

In the November Talk, My Teacher calls it a “Withhold”.

But so what of negativity? The Teachings Teach me to Focus into Spirit and to Live as That. That’s the Focus.

And, if I do end up with some negativity because I’ve persisted in it, I stop and use the Two-Part Release Technique like this, “Lord, God, send me Your Light! Lord, God, for the Highest Good please take [any fear of speaking up] from me now!” I tell mySelf, it’s OK to let it go! And I let it go.

And, if I have a preference regarding this sharing; for instance, that this particular person shift to the more beneficial award then I Co-Create that with the Lord, God by Calling in the Light Of The Most High, as explained above, and I ask for what I prefer; for instance, the switch, as noted. I let go and I Trust. That’s it!

And I’m Neutral so I’m fine if it happens and fine if it doesn’t.

My job is to Live The Teachings.

Since making the choice to share – instead of making a decision for someone else – I’ve noticed that I need to share in this way quite often. Just this afternoon, I was dropping some things off at a friend’s apartment house and, after that, I realized that I had some information regarding this “drop off” and I caught mySelf starting to keep it to mySelf, the good old pattern.

Instead, I texted the information. Otherwise, I would have made a decision for this friend that was hers to make based on this information.

All I can say is, what a difference sharing makes! I am free from the karma I would have created – and am Responsible for – by having made a decision for someone else. As I’ve Learned from My Teacher, what I do inside mySelf affects all of Creation because, in Reality, we’re all One. When I Live in Integrity It helps “others” to do so. Because I’m Lifting and because we’re all One, it makes it easier for “others” to Lift as well. Lifting is an attachment-free zone. It’s quite a Gift!

And per the Perfect Simplicity of The Teachings, all I do is put it out.


That’s it.

*For further Growth and Upliftment order the November 2022 Satsang by going to, clicking on shop/download in the upper righthand corner and putting A303 in the search box when you arrive on the next page. The Talk’s Title is “Are You Paying A Withholding Tax?: A Participatory Satsang.” You can also go to and click on Newsletter in the upper righthand corner for the current Issue and for past Ones as well.

Copyright 2023. Soundly Inc. All rights reserved.

How To “Do Artwork”

Many years ago, Dr. Lane, the Founder/Director of Cosmos Tree and Center For Religion And Advanced Spiritual Studies and the Dean of Its Seminary, Who is also My Spiritual Teacher, Suggested to me to “do artwork”.

And, boy! do I remember my response! I focused on how I was going to do it. Was I going to take art classes and, if so, where? And how am I going to fit them into my schedule? What kind of art do I do? Do I paint? Sculpt? When I was in college I did welded sculpture. OK, maybe that’s it. Do I want to sell this artwork? Do I want to be a “real artist”? What’s the goal here?

As an Initiate Of The Sound Current On The Path Of Soul Transcendence, it’s easy enough now to see all the worry and doubt – “worry is the handmaiden of doubt”, as My Teacher Teaches.

What I remember most of all, though, was sharing my cogitations – the separation of mySelf from the Spirit I am – with My Teacher, fully “expecting” My Teacher to Advise me on every one of these attachments/the separation.

The Sacred Response I received: “just do it!”

Just do it! No plans. No goalsetting. No numbers game. Everybody paints; OK, I’ll paint. Everybody sculpts. OK, I’ll do that. Everybody does collage. OK, that’s my thing now. No, talking to a friend who was an artist and blindly following this person’s advice: “you have to study first.”

“No thing”! Simply be There for mySelf by Focusing into Spirit. Allow mySelf to be Moved by Spirit/God, Which is Who and What I am. I’m the Engine! I’m the Power! I’m the Source!

I remember, too, asking My Teacher, when do I do artwork? After all, don’t I need a regular schedule to be a “real artist”? My Teacher Simply answered, “when you’re Moved.”

I’m here to share, dear reader, that The Instruction to “do artwork!” that My Teacher gave to me so many years ago is profound.

It’s profound in the Inner Experience that I’ve had recently, in the Application of Allowing “whatever comes, comes.” If I’m Moved by Spirit, by mySelf, really, to do artwork, I do it.

It’s Flow. My Teacher Knew that I needed to have the Inner Experience of Flow and to Learn to live accordingly.

This Experience is new for me and I’m here to tell you all about it! The other day I picked up a couple of canvases at an office supply store. I was walking by the art supplies section and I was simply moved to do it. No plans or “thoughts” about “artwork”. No schedule of creative work to come.

Next steps just came as they came: the canvases go on the wall, OK, so why not use “wall paint” so it’s all of a piece? I simply ordered interior paint that I knew to be 100% non-toxic. I’m doing “healthful artwork”. I Knew that.

I was in Joy, Which, according to The Teachings That My Teacher Brings Forth, is the Nature of Spirit. Joy is Natural.

Next step: paint with the colors from the wall paint company. But something felt “off” about painting, at least in that moment and I was immediately moved to print out some photos of white flowers that I had taken years ago for what would now be a collage instead. I was then moved to put the white flower photos on the wall as if it were the blank canvas I was working with and I Knew there was “something there.” Something I loved to look at.

The beauty of the white flowers, of the many shades of white.

Just white, white, white all around.

Many years ago, I had given My Teacher a gift: a tiny notebook that was maybe two inches around and I had covered it with a collage that consisted of cut-outs from the white-flower photos.

I remember it well because My Teacher’s comment on receiving the gift was, “it’s gorgeous!”

Creativity I now see far more deeply – Experientially, really – comes from Allowing the Spiritual Flow, from letting go, letting God. It’s not about “ideas” or “insights” or “plans for the future”.

And, yes, My Teacher Lovingly Advised me years ago How to “do artwork”.

Just do it. Allow yourSelf to be Moved. Allow the Flow of Spirit. Receive.

All those years ago, I also remember asking My Teacher when do I do artwork? How do I schedule it? After all, I was falsely identified with the things of the world – accomplishment, a “role” in the world, perhaps, as an “artist”, instead of Proper ID as the Spirit I am. “Do it when you’re Moved,” My Teacher told me.

“Do it when you’re Moved”.

That’s the Grace. That’s the Beauty.

As My Teacher has Instructed me many times and I Know to do as an Initiate, before I recently began to “do artwork” as Instructed, I put it into the Light Of The Most High for the Highest Good and Co-Created my preference with Spirit. I did It like this: “Lord, God, send me Your Light! Please place the situation with my ‘doing artwork’ starting now into Your Light for the Highest Good”. I also asked the Lord, God to lead me, to do this artwork for me.

It’s a fun, glorious process. It’s surprise after surprise after surprise. It comes when it comes. Surprise! I may be on the way back from the printer in my office and I’ll stop and “do artwork”.

There’s no “time or space” in Spirit, as My Teacher Teaches. It’s God’s Timing and it’s perfect. I never know if it’s ten minutes or more or less. I just do it and it’s perfect. It’s Flow.

And it feels like play. Like the kind of play I used to do when I was a child. As if this is my sandbox and boy! am I having a blast with this castle.

Thank YOU, Dear Teacher, for the Loving “push”.

I Appreciate it.

A final note: As an Initiate, I have direct access to Spirit through the Sacred Process of Initiation Into The Sound Current. To request Initiation or to learn more, please email

Copyright 2023. Soundly Inc. All rights reserved.

Are You Empty Or Bobbling?

Up until now, something that has “gotten my goat” – to quote a phrase My Teacher uses – is when people go on and on and on without answering a question directly.

Then I attended Dr. Lane’s Magnificent June 2021 Satsang titled “Listening: The Opportunity Of The Ear – A Participatory Satsang.”

Following the Satsang, Dr. Lane, My Spiritual Teacher, Generously answered questions, one of which was life-changing for me.

A Participant asked the following question: “I’d like to describe a situation and perhaps you can give some advice in terms of listening. I feel like I’ll start by saying I’ve always considered mySelf a skilled listener and someone who is Present and open and empty, ready to receive. And I’ve been in situations where the person I’m with talks a lot and a lot and a lot and I start to feel really tired and even uncomfortable with all of this listening.

So is there a way to listen with a big “L” and stay Present but also maybe not get in a situation where I’m just overwhelmed by what is being said to me?”

My Spiritual Teacher Instructed: “Yes, being a good Listener does not mean being a ‘good’ doormat. That’s the first thing. So you have an equation going that you need to change. Being a good Listener does not mean you have to sit there and the person goes on and on and on and on. It’s really a form of vampirism – people who talk a lot. And they really just strut their karma all over the place. It can be ‘wipeoutsville’ for you. You can really get depleted. It can be really kind of serious. It’s also very draining for that reason. … they bobble; they bobble; they bobble. What they say has almost nothing to do with what’s being said, what they’re being asked or anything else like that. But they just talk incessantly. …”

“But you don’t have to take that.

“There are a couple things you can do. One is, obviously, Chant Your Tones [Dr. Lane is referring to the Meditation Technique Taught at the Time Of Initiation Into The Sound Current On The Path Of Soul Transcendence] when the person is speaking. Two is put the Christed Light between you and that person and a purple candle in your solar plexis and three is end it in as gracious and as expeditiously as you can.

“It’s your time. OK. Being a good Listener doesn’t mean you have to be taken advantage of nor does it mean that you’re a target. You don’t have to worry about the other person. …”

“Why don’t you try those things and see what happens. You need to give yourSelf permission to do that and stop worrying about being a ‘good girl’. Worrying about hurting their feelings is karma. You can’t hurt someone’s feelings … You don’t have to play that role for people.”

When Dr. Lane referenced those who bobble, I knew I was one of the bobblers in question. I am – up until now – the talker who goes on and on. I know that.

I am the one, too, who understood more deeply after this question-and-answer that what I do inwardly is what I manifest outwardly. So when I chatter inside mySelf – instead of being Present – that’s exactly what I do outwardly and it’s what I attract. Bobbler-to-bobbler.

The more I focus on communicating properly and clearly – the more I focus on whether I am putting out exactly what I prefer to put out. Am I answering the question being asked be it via email or phone or in-person? Or am I running a story that has nothing to do with anything? – the more that I notice that I attract Souls who are focused, too. Wow!

As My Teacher Teaches, I practiced being empty, which is being Present. This is part of Practicing Eternal Vigilance: also letting go of anything that separates me from the Spirit I am; and doing Self-Talk to allow the Spiritual Flow. The latter means educating my basic selves – the part of me that brings forward my karmic patterns – by keeping it positive; present; giving direction and encouragement. It’s crucial to direct my basics to be Present like this: “basics, come present! – I need your cooperation and energy to be Present so we’re in Peace and Joy always! Thank you and lets keep up the great work with this!”

Before asking the Lord, God to take the self-created separation (negativity) from you or doing Self-Talk be sure to call in the Light Of the Most High like this: “Lord, God, send me Your Light!” Please do the same before asking the Lord, God to please place a purple candle in your solar plexis and the Christed Light between you and everyone and everything around you. Asking the Lord, God to place a purple candle in your solar plexis helps transmute any negativity or karma you may have picked up. As Dr. Lane has Taught, purple is the color of transmutation. Use the Tool of the Christed Light so only the Highest Frequencies can come to you. I often do Both at the start of each day for that day and ask that It be done retroactively as well.

For the first time, as I write this, my Solution to a seeming “problem” is that there are no problems in Spirit, as Dr. Lane has Taught me. Instead of blaming clients for going on and on or running a drama about the “time” lost to the bobbling of “others”, I’ve taken the Power back to mySelf, where It really is and belongs. That’s the Power of Choice, as I’ve been Taught as well.

Listening, I now understand more deeply, is Listening to mySelf. I Know that I need to prepare for the consultations I have with clients in advance instead of rushing into them unprepared and setting mySelf up to not be Present and to bobble. Instead, I carefully write down precisely the questions I prefer to ask. Write them down properly and clearly and succinctly.

And always call in the Light Of The Most High before doing anything.

And speak up.

In speaking with clients and others, I now commit to clearly stating what I need, including for them to answer questions directly and to stay focused. If they start to go on, I graciously stop them by reminding them of the focus of the meeting or any other communication.

If they disregard my direction, which happens sometimes, instead of going with the fear of speaking up, I ask the Lord, God to take the fear and tell mySelf it’s OK to let it go; I stay empty – and ask them again to please stay focused.

I am a doormat-free zone.

This blog also reinforced for me that since we’re One Spirit in Reality – there, really, is no “other”, as I’ve been Taught by My Teacher – we affect each other profoundly.

By choosing to bobble I create the violence of separation; choosing to Allow Emptiness helps all of us Lift and Grow.

Again, as I’ve been Taught by My Loving Teacher.

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Copyright 2021, 2023. Soundly Inc. All rights reserved.

The “Lawnmower Story” – A Learning For All Of Us

There is a story that My Teacher. Dr. Lane, Who is also the Founding Director of Cosmos Tree and Center For Religion And Advanced Spiritual Studies, has told in Satsang, Which is an Open Talk.

It’s the “Lawnmower Story” and boy! is it relevant to the life the Lord, God has given me and, I believe, to all of our lives.

Here It is in a nutshell: a guy needs a lawnmower because his is in repair so he asks his neighbor. As he’s leaving his house he says, “that guy – he’s not going to lend it to me!” He’s halfway there and says, “he’s not going to lend it; that son-of-a- bitch!” He gets to the front door and, when the neighbor opens the door, he socks him.

Sometimes I create stories inside mySelf – as so many of us do. As a result, most of us end up “raging” against something. The stories can seem so real, which they are not, that I go with them and feed them.

Unless I choose otherwise. That means that I monitor my responses by going inside and the moment that anger – using this Story as an example – comes up I use the Two-Part Release Technique by Calling in the Light Of The Most High inside mySelf, “Lord, God, send me Your Light! Then: “For the Highest Good, Lord, God, please take this anger from me!” I tell mySelf, “(my name) it’s OK to let it go!”

I use the Two-Part Release daily – if not many times a day, every time negativity comes up.

My Teacher’s Story is a brilliant example of what nearly all of us do, which is to identify with our thoughts and feelings and take them as real. As My Teacher has Taught me, once I have a thought there is a feeling associated with it and vice versa.

I also know what it’s like to build a case inside mySelf and, that as the Story very clearly demonstrates, has dangerous consequences. Any thought/feeling (including stories/cases) is karma, is negativity, is separation from the Spirit I am, from the Spirit we all are.

The second I find mySelf creating away from Spirit – or if negativity just comes up – I need to do the Two-Part Release again.

Negativity is a signal to be Present, Which, as an Initiate Of The Sound Current On The Path of Soul Transcendence, I do by going into the Soul Body and being with God. This Ability to go into the Soul Body was Awakened by My Receiving Initiation Into The Sound Current On This Path and Following exactly, by Returning and Returning to the Upper Part Of The Third Eye, the Sacred Meditation Technique Taught at the Time Of Initiation

I use the negativity to Lift and Grow and be Present. Through the Precious Gift of Initiation, I have direct access to Spirit. By Being Present, I rise above the negativity. I identify Properly as Spirit.

As an Initiate Practicing Proper ID – I know my thoughts and feelings (including stories/cases) aren’t real. The only Reality is Spirit. I know I’m responsible for my creations and for where I place my focus.

If you are not an Initiate, you can take the learning from this blog that thoughts and feelings are not real; you can go inside; get quiet and do the Two-Part Release as often as need be. You can, thusly, use the negativity to Lift and to choose away from karma.

I also talk to my basic selves – the part of me that brings forward my karmic pattern, which often means doubt, as you can see in the Lawnmower Story (in addition to fear, anger, worry). The best I can do is educate my basics by doing Self-Talk like this: “Basics, come present! I need your cooperation and energy to support me in being Present now so we’re always in Peace and in Joy! Thank you and let’s keep up the good work with this!”

As a non-Initiate, you can still go inside; get quiet and be with yourself – and use the Two-Part Release to ask the Lord, God for the Highest Good to take any doubt (separation) and tell yourSelf it’s OK to let it go!

In a nutshell, the only way to live in Peace and Joy is to take Initiation and to do the Spiritual Practice exactly as Taught – which means using the negativity to Lift into Spirit; to keep Returning to the Godpoint within. Peace and Joy are the Nature of Spirit, Which is Who and What I am. By being Present/Practicing That, I Come to Know mySelf as That and to Live as That.

To use this life to Fulfill its Purpose, as My Teacher Teaches, Which is to come to Know you as Spirit, as Soul.

And That’s It in a nutshell.

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Copyright 2023. Soundly Inc. All rights reserved.

Learning Patience – A Tribute To The Teachings Study Group

On the second Sunday of each month Cosmos Tree offers a Program called The Teachings Study Group in which a Satsang Summary that is featured in the most recent issue of SpiritCentral, the Cosmos Tree Newsletter, is used as a vehicle to study The Teachings.

Boy! What a life-changer this Program is!

Take today’s Program, Which I left a little more than six hours ago! The article was titled, “Patience: Stand Pat? Get A Patent? Start A Pattern? – A Participatory Satsang”, a summary of the monthly Satsang Given by Dr. Lane, the Founder/Director of Cosmos Tree, on September 5, 2018. A key Learning for me was that where there is impatience there is a judgment.

First of all, I never ever knew that! And, second, I certainly never knew it experientially, inwardly, in a way where I can consciously take the Learning and change! Right now, for instance, I received an email from someone with whom I am working on an event; this person had agreed to pick up some supplies for the event and had just emailed me emailed me to say that the number of paper dinner plates I had suggested this person purchase was “a lot.”

I was about to dive into impatience, to feed it via some real case-building, when I immediately got the Learning from this Program only a few hours earlier! I immediately stopped because I knew that the potential “dive” was the judgement that comes from impatience. I knew that judging this person was also judging all Souls as we are all One.

I also Knew originally that simply being Present with Spirit, Which I am able to do as an Initiate Of The Light Of The Most High and staying “There”, means being clear. From This Place of Clarity, what also came was to see if this person had something else to offer, something that I may not have considered before; there was room for more than me in this “equation”.

I also realize now on reworking this article that perhaps this person has much to share but where I “got caught”, for a bit anyway, was more on this person’s “style” of sharing, which to me was more like a “blurt” than Sharing. And maybe this person needs to know that it is OK to Share to begin with and how to do that and that this person does have something to offer.

About 12 hours before this Program, I had been impatient with someone who for the same event had suggested to me that everyone attending be asked to stay afterwards to help clean up. I immediately jumped on this with how we don’t need that many people to clean up, etc. That was before The Teachings Study Group.

After the Group, I called the person and just listened to what the person was saying and agreed to simply put it out to those with whom I was speaking regarding the event. Let them decide to help or not to help. I also got at the same time that, in addition, this person was going out of this person’s way to drop something off for this event and that I could easily handle this another way so that this person was freed up and could attend to some other things. That was the Kindness that came from Practicing Patience.

The initial impatience in this instance was going with the habitual, emotional response instead of being Present, instead of Being, as described in the Satsang and conveyed in the article, and Allowing whatever it is I need to Learn to come forward Naturally.

The Kindness just came in the moment. I freed her up because I had chosen to free mySelf up by practicing Patience.

The more I chose to be Patient and listen the more aware I became of how often others become defensive, as I initially had; it doesn’t much matter what it is. It is amazing to me how often now I find mySelf on the other side of someone’s defensiveness and that, because I am Practicing Patience, I Know that all I need to do is “walk on eggshells”. No need to “fight back” or do much of anything, really. The outer relationships are smooth because of it.

More often now, I am Consciously Choosing to Practice Patience thanks to a Program that didn’t even last an hour and that is free-of-charge with a Suggested Donation of five dollars; and Which Dr. Lane attended when this “Patience” article was the vehicle – Surprise! The Master Himself There in the physical! As I’ve been Taught and has been my experience as well, many Blessings are bestowed on those who choose to place themSelves in the Presence of the Master! All I did was show up, at a Sacred Program that is open to all!

Be there for yourSelf by being at this Program! The second Sunday of every month at 3 pm, call-in time five minutes before that if you live more than 50 miles from the Cosmos Tree Home Center or in-person at the Home Center if you live within a 50-mile radius. Call 212 828-0464 or email

For further information on this blog, about our Services, reprint rights, media interviews or to have a Service brought to your area, please email

Copyright 2019, 2023. Soundly Inc. All rights reserved.

Learning Responsibility

As Covid-19 spread around the world, I was given Opportunities to Learn Responsibility.

These Opportunities involved situations that were similar in that I found out through casual conversation that people I know and see in-person had either been exposed to the virus (and still were being exposed); were putting themselves in high-exposure situations; and/or they believed when we met that they had had the virus and that, to some degree, it was still active.

In each case, when I heard the “Covid-exposure news” I was “shocked”. “How could they do this to me?” I thought.

How? Easily.

When the first of these situations arose, I brought it up in Open Hour, the time each week when Dr. Lane, the Founder/Director of Cosmos Tree and My Spiritual Teacher, Generously makes Himself available for Spiritual Counseling. “How could this person do this to me?” I said. “Is this how a friend treats a friend?”
My Teacher’s response stays with me and I cite it here as I recall it: “Where were you? You’re Responsible. Why didn’t you check it out?”

No. I did not ask my friend in advance of our meeting if this person had been exposed to the virus; had it currently or had had it? Nope. None of it.

Since then, another friend shared with me that this friend has a colleague with whom this friend works closely and who is currently out of work for what he believes is Covid.

This time, I shared my discomfort about being six feet apart from this person at an upcoming Event and, instead, this friend attended via video conference.

Here’s another situation that just came up: someone I sometimes speak to in-person – we work in the same building – happened to mention that he regularly takes public transportation. We both live in New York City where the subway is an extremely high-exposure situation.

Before this, I had been sloppy about the six-feet-apart so perhaps it was five and sometimes from that distance that his mask was not on. Now, I back up really far; and I know that this person has received the vaccine (one dose, as far as I know) as have I. I will find out more as well as when optimum safety is considered to be met per any government guidelines.

Even though I haven’t had a haircut in over a year because of my avoidance of high-risk situations, everyone I know – from what I can see – has had a haircut. When I see them – often on Zoom – I know that I will be comfortable in their physical presence once they have been vaccinated. And when I am fully vaccinated. And when I know for sure how long each of us has to wait for the “final OK.” Not before. No matter how close we are as friends.

What I’ve Learned about Responsibility is this: as My Teacher Teaches, It’s blame-less. There’s no “how could they?”; case-building; storifying in Spirit. There’s Love and Loving mySelf enough to take care of mySelf. It’s being in Integrity.

No matter what anyone else is saying or doing

The basic selves – the part of me that brings forward my karmic patterns – love to belong. If everyone I work with on Zoom or otherwise has a haircut, well, I want to look good, too. I have to belong to keep my job after all. Basics go for this stuff.

So Self-talk to update them is important. I call in the Light Of The Most High like this: “Lord, God send me Your Light!” I say “basics, come present! I need your cooperation and energy to support me in [taking excellent care of mySelf during Covid by keeping my hair long, etc.; whatever it is can be added] Thank you and keep up the good work with this.”

So Responsibility, as My Teacher Taught me, means doing due diligence: ask; check it out; do my part.

And have the courage to stand out – to separate out – from the “karmic mass”, as My Teacher Teaches.

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The Lasting Power Of Acts Of Kindness

I had a much deeper awareness of the Lasting Power Of Acts Of Kindness when I received a phone call – seemingly “out of the blue” – from someone who had done some work for me in my home.

Years had gone by, and suddenly, there this person was, on the line. This person began to thank me – profusely, really, all these many years later – for something that was still first and foremost in her memory: that she had been cleaning my apartment, had used the wrong product and that instead of getting angry, I was Kind. I simply suggested that she use another product.

Knowing mySelf as I do, I’ll hazard a well-educated guess that I was an Initiate Of The Sound Current at the time (and still am) and that I was working The Teachings as Taught to me by Dr. Lane, the Founder/Director of Cosmos Tree and Center For Religion And Advanced Spiritual Studies, Who is My Spiritual Teacher, by letting go of what most likely was anger; of Focusing into Spirit. Of being Neutral.

Yes, years and years later, here was an Act Of Kindness was, very much alive in Its Love, in her choice to Receive That.

I mentioned this call to Dr. Lane and My Teacher further Taught me – using Himself as an example – that My Teacher still recalls Acts Of Kindness from years ago.

At that moment, The Staying Power of Acts Of Kindness was My Important Learning.

I better understand now why an Act Of Kindness by a friend of mine decades ago still “floats by” inside of me on a regular basis. That Act Of Kindness took place years ago between my junior and senior years in college when I was doing a summer internship for a magazine. For one reason or another, the cover story for the issue that we were all working on hadn’t worked out; and the editor asked me if I’d like to give it a shot.

A “budding writer”, I saw it as an opportunity, said “yes” and dove in, immersing mySelf in the subject matter, then writing and rewriting for four days and three nights straight in order to meet the last-minute deadline.

Not a month goes by, to this day, that I don’t recall my best friend at the time staying up with me to make sure I was fed, hydrated, just plain well taken care of.

There is so much Glory in That Act, I Know now, on Receiving That Glory. In That Choice by a seeming “other” that was made.

So, too, floating through me is another Act Of Kindness that only upon This Learning do I recognize as Such. Years ago, I Hosted The Meditation For Health And Well-Being Brought Forward by My Teacher at my home on the opposite side of town from the Cosmos Tree Home Center. One day, a friend called to say that his mother wanted to make me dinner and he would bring that dinner to the Meditation – clearly for me to enjoy afterwards. Did I want chicken or beef? Something else?

To this day. This Act nearly moves me to tears as I receive this Gift of Love.

So, These Gifts Of Love matter; and They last.

Instead of walking by a blind person who may need help with direction-ing because I’m “too busy”, it’s time to focus properly into Spirit; to Model Kindness, a Quality of God, as My Teacher often Teaches.

It’s through God’s Kindness and Mercy that we are given the Gift of Initiation Into The Sound Current and the Opportunity to Love Him and, as a byproduct, go Home to Him. This very planet is here for That Purpose. Through a Divine and Glorious Act Of Kindness We, as Souls, are able to Be with Him while we’re in the body.

It doesn’t get More Important than That.

My Teacher also Teaches that “Kind” in Kindness refers to the Truth that we are all One Kind, Which is Spirit. Acts of Kindness, seemingly for “another”, are really for MySelf.

Thank YOU, My Teacher, for helping me better Understand the Power of These Loving Acts and of My Power To Create/Co-Create Them.

I haven’t asked My Teacher This, but Spiritually, I have a sense that They are recognized in the Highest of Heavens, that they are Truly Glorified. Moreover, as I was Taught by My Teacher, Kindness “echoes” through all of Spirit.

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The Money Workbook In Action

I have worked The Money Workbook – subtitled “A 30-Day Program to Greater Abundance, Prosperity, and Self-Worth” – many times over the years. The Author is Dr. Roger B. Lane, the Founder/Director of Cosmos Tree and Center For Religion And Advanced Spiritual Studies (CRASS). Dr. Lane is also the Dean of the Powerful CRASS Seminary.

Like all of Dr. Lane’s Books, The Money Workbook never stops giving. In order to receive the Gift of this Tool of Growth and Upliftment, I need to be open to What It Teaches and I need to do my part, which I’ve been doing recently, notably regarding What Dr. Lane Instructs in “Day 18”.

In that “Day” Dr. Lane, Who is also My Spiritual Teacher, asks the reader to “Make a list of three things in your life that until now you have denied yourself for whatever reason.”  Then It Instructs: “Now pick one of the three that would strain you monetarily and psychologically, and go out and give it to yourself.”

While I wasn’t formally working this time The Money Workbook as a 30-Day Program, I applied the Learning that I’ve gotten from This Tool that when I give to mySelf I’m met by Spirit – often many times over.

Let me give you an example! I live in New York City where, for a while now, I’ve walked by a store on Madison Avenue that sells exactly what I’d been wanting to buy for mySelf – a wonderful-looking, oversized shirt to wear with leggings. Yet, instead of doing that, I walked past it. After all, this is Madison Avenue and we all know how pricey things are on this street.

Then, one day, I chose to walk in “just to look”. The moment that the eager salesperson came over with “May I help you?” I made it OK inside mySelf to spend whatever it cost to give mySelf the shirt. I even remember very quietly whispering to mySelf, “who cares about the money!” And kind of smiling. In that moment I just let go of the worry and the fear behind it of “not enough”, in this case money. I was just having a good time.

That inner choice resulted in excitement, enthusiasm, Joy really. I enJoyed being there; the try-ons; the advice from a couple of salespeople. I was having a blast. It wasn’t really the “outer” thing; it was the Power of the Inner Choice.  

Then, as soon as I handed the salesperson a card to pay for the shirt I’d chosen, he exclaimed, “Oh! This is on sale!” He seemed shocked.

Yes, indeed. That’s what My Teacher Teaches: when I give to mySelf what, up until then, I’ve been denying mySelf It often costs far less; sometimes it’s even free, as I’ve discovered over the years. I’ve Learned from Dr. Lane and many of the Tools brought forward by My Teacher that “underneath it all is the Worthiness Factor”, Knowing I’m Inherently Worthy. Worthy of the Spirit I am; of Living as That, as Who I am. I’ve Learned that I am Powerful/a Powerful Creator.   

While I Know the Truth of This, I’ve been experiencing It recently as never before.

As My Teacher writes in “Day 17”: “Many people who have partaken of the Money Workbook have changed their view of the world, and either have been willing to let go or, at least, to experiment with letting go of lack and limitation and to reassert themselves in the world with the knowledge that Spirit Supplies. They found that when they bought a high-priced item that they had not previously allowed themselves to have the item was suddenly discounted, often as high as 70 to 80 percent. …”

When you expand your consciousness and let go of lack and limitation you find that the world has expanded with you. …”  

Here’s another example! I took mySelf out to dinner last night. Beforehand, though, I chose to cogitate about how much restaurant meals cost these days. After all, with inflation, what used to be a $30 meal is now a $60 one! Then, I simply chose to let go inside mySelf and gave it to mySelf.

Same “result”: excitement, fun, Joy. A blast.

Then, mid-appetizer, my cell phone rang. It was a friend inviting me to dinner in the next couple of weeks “and pick a place that’s really, really nice.”

Yep. The money was replaced – pretty much right away.

As the Spirit I am I’m Supplied. That Joy is the Joy of Spirit, Which, as an Initiate Of The Sound Current, I Live In when I choose to be Present. Abundance is My Essence. It’s The Sound Current. It’s God living in me as me. As My Teacher Teaches, Abundance Consciousness is Placing my Conscious at God; It’s being Present. Prosperity follows Abundance, as My Teacher also Teaches.

Another example: I was denying mySelf the Gift of Donating an SD card to the Cosmos Tree Center for its video camera. “Too expensive”, I told mySelf – until I didn’t and chose instead to give it to mySelf. The instant I handed my debit card to the cashier she said, “Oh! You have a $10 certificate here! Do you want to use it?” The tab barely came to $8.

Over the years, I’ve Learned that, In Reality, I’m the Source as the Spirit I am.

So it’s up to me to Co-Create Positively by being Present, by surrendering anything that separates me from the Spirit I am and to express from this place of Giving to mySelf inwardly – being Generous, as My Teacher Teaches – with outer byproducts, an expression of that Inner Generosity.

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What I’d Really Like to Say

When I’m interacting with people I’m baffled by the ironies and duplicities of their attitudes to their loved ones and life situations.  They’ve got a bee in their bonnet about one thing while they’re praising another.  Then they’re praising the other and stinging the former.  It’s like there is no center.  No rule of justice.  And certainly no peace!

It’s just all over the place with complaints and inflations.  I mean that it’s funny to get into the mire of life’s drams.  I’ve been there.  I’ve been at the mercy of all that.  Before I started Meditating and finding my True Identity as Soul I ran many of the same sagas. 

That doesn’t mean that I’m holy and mighty or removed from the world now.  I’m still just as in it as everyone else. Actually more so because I’m not driven by compulsions like others may.  So those telenovelas really stand out to me when I see them playing out.

I may not like everyone but I do, indeed, Love everyone.  My Meditation Teacher, Dr. Roget B. Lane, Teaches that lesson.  So when I hear people going on and on and on with what passes as normal conversation but is a hilarious web of karma and negativity, I can relate on an egoic level.  On the Awakened Level I actually find it very vanilla.  Nothing original.  Imagine that!   These massive, personalized dramas are just standard fare for karma and reincarnation.  When I hear the stories I almost want to poke and prod the storyteller.  Light a match at their ignition.  Kick-start them.  Pour a bucket of water on their sleeping heads. 

What I’d really like to say, “Hey, dreamy, wake up!”  “Hey, smartie, stop and think!” “Hey, perfectionist, get it together!”  “Hey, silly, let loose!”  “Hey, reckless, you’re going wreck to it!“  Hey, anxiety, find something to worry about!”  “Hey, gossip, say something of worth!”  Oxymorons!  That’s because what I see in the world is like a snake chasing its tale.  People just going on and on and on with their melodramas and telenovelas.  It’s an all-consuming but, in fact, boring pursuit. 

They are absolute, bubbles of preoccupation that people form and tend to, blowing bigger and bigger with air.  Just air – made-up up of our energy and our focus and our attention.  Then we let the bubbles burst, leaving a mess everywhere. Our energy splattered and our focus having run in circles.  And isn’t that what the ego does?  It keeps the mind busy with problems that don’t really exist so the consciousness’s attention goes to solving them.   My Meditation Teacher Taught me that, too!

It’s like being duped.  But, funnily enough, we’re duped by ourselves.  

Little bit of Spiritual Reality here:  My Beloved Meditation Teacher also Teaches that our thoughts get projected onto the cosmic mirror, which lies before the Great Void (the cross over to the Soul Realm.)  The cosmic mirror reflects back to us what we think and when it comes back to us it looks to us as though it is total and utter REALITY and not merely creations of our own. 

In my Beloved Meditation Teacher’s book, The Money Workbook, Dr. Roger B. Lane explains, “It is no secret that we are constantly creating.  Some of us create poverty, fear, lack and limitation while others create success, health, wealth and happiness. … Knowing that you and only you are responsible for each and every one of your creations, choosing responsibly becomes the only intelligent action. … This means, quiet simply, that we are responsible for where we choose to place our attention. …”

“To many, this may seem like an abstract and even an abusrd statement.  Our thoughts seems to be “foreign” to us, that is they seem to be outside ourselves, something over which we have no control.  What we are really saying is that we are addicted to the same focal points and until now we do not seem to be able to control this addiction.”

Nothing is further from the Truth.  We are able to control where we place our attention. … You simply choose to do so!

“Gratitude is the key to having and enjoying abundance on all levels; before it, the door to even greater abundance opens.”

Therefore, the focus on the Positive, that which we’re grateful for, creates more of that which we’re grateful for.  Scientifically, Spiritually, that thought of gratitude goes into the cosmic mirror and “reflects” back toward the creator as reality.  So if we choose things and experiences we want, we project them in the cosmic mirror, and get to reap what we sow in our day-to-day life.  Try being grateful!  See how your present moment changes.  See how your world is a kinder place.  Focus on God, not the gripe!  Celebrate the Positive inside yourSelf in your focus and see the magic that unfurls in your life! 

To begin the Process of waking up to the Soul that lives inside of you as you then request Initiation into The Sound Current by contacting My Beloved Meditation Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, through the website or

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