Are You “Projecting” Negativity Onto Your Kids? Here’s An Easy-To-Follow Guide To Help You Free YourSelf – And Your Kids!

Until I started working with Dr. Lane, the Founder/Director of Cosmos Tree, I had no idea what projection was or that I was “projecting” my “stuff” – negativity all – onto others. All the time. As Dr. Lane explains, “Whatever the consciousness is unconscious of it projects outside.”

Mental Exercises Or Simple Solutions? It’s Up To You

One of my two favorite Talks given by Dr. Roger B. Lane, the Founder/Director of Cosmos Tree, is titled “The Story Of The Tuna Fish Sandwich”. What I love so much is that It’s all about the Simple Solutions.

Knowing: How To Listen To Your True Self!

What do I do when I don’t know what to do about a situation? I turn inside mySelf to the greatest resource and comfort that there is, the Soul within. Maybe there is a relationship in my life that I have chosen to be troubled over. I might be worried about money or a health condition of a loved one. Up until recent years, my instinct and immediate response has been to follow the concern down the rabbit hole and chew on all the negative scenarios that could possibly unfold until I am sufficiently tied up in knots. At times I’ve had restless nights of sleep, obsessively returning thoughts paired with ravenous emotions that eat at me. Through my choices into this negativity I thwart my ability to see solutions, observe things objectively and have a Spiritual Perspective on life.

Are You Receiving The Loving Feedback That Is There For You or Are You Blocking It? A Learning Primer

In the Satsang (Spiritual Instruction) given by Cosmos Tree Founder/Director Dr. Roger B. Lane titled “Are You Saying What You Mean And Meaning What You Say? – A Participatory Satsang,” Dr. Lane says that feedback is important “so I’m always Learning something about mySelf …” According to the dictionary, feedback has to do with “information for our improvement”.

So how do we receive the Sacred Feedback That is there for us? Let’s start here:

What A Personality Test Really Says About Who You Are!

There’s a trend now in social media – the personality test. With a click of a button, one can learn all about “who they are”. But how accurate are these tests? I recently took one and what was most surprising to me was not how accurately it depicted the characteristics of my personality, but how many judgments I had had on those characteristics. For those of you who have ever thought negatively about a characteristic of your personality, here’s what I discovered about judgments and what to do about them!

Perfectionists – Learn What Perfection Truly Is!

A life-long perfectionist, up until now, I learned What Perfection Truly is through the Cosmos Tree SpiritCentral Newsletter and Its featured Enlightening Articles based on the Spiritual Instruction known as Satsangs given each month by Cosmos Tree Founder/Director Dr. Roger B. Lane.

Participation Check

Participation Check is a concise and powerful Tool that involves registering within myself if I am positive, Present and engaged or simply puttering by in life, am into my repetitive inner story line of hurt, worry, fear and simultaneously contracting my energy. Similar to an interested scientist, when I do a Participation Check, I simply look within and take tally of what I find. Am I harboring anger? Am I considering life to be the boring doldrums and just scrapping by the day with an inner grumble? Do I notice the world around me and am I Present with the gifts and Blessings that each moment offers – whether is it a flower blooming beside the bus stop or a child laughing or a co-worker bringing me a tea? Essentially, the question is, am I awake in this moment to the flow of Love around me?

The True Role Of A Parent

In the Fall of 2008, I began participating in Cosmos Tree Meditations and studying with Founder and Director, Dr. Roger B. Lane. At the time, I was married but did not have any children. I had no idea how much I did not know about mySelf or about being a parent. Before having children, I was certain that my own experience with my parents and the babysitting jobs I held throughout my life were preparation enough to raise my own. Blessedly for me, by the time I did have children I had a foundation of The Teachings that inform Cosmos Tree, Which every day assist me in being the best parent I can be by Teaching me how to be the Spirit that I am.

Are You Busy Making ‘Nice, Nice’? Learn What ‘Nice’ Really Is.

Many, if not most of us, are unconscious when we speak to others. One of these “unconscious” forms of communication is making “nice, nice”. For example, a friend of mine recently asked me to do her a favor and instead of simply asking me directly, she chose to flatter me over and over again before finally, finally asking for the favor. I knew it was a manipulation. It’s a lot like the example of a husband who tells his wife how much he loves her cooking, which can be a Loving and Clear communication, but it can also be a manipulation so that his wife continues to cook for him and to cook for him and to cook for him some more.

How To Make A “Difficult” Choice: Choosing With Spirit

Recently, I was faced with a “difficult” choice. I learned through using the Tools available to me from Cosmos Tree and its Founder, Dr. Roger B. Lane, that I exercise my power by choosing. Really, we all have power. I’d like to share why the choice seemed “difficult” and what it meant for me to take control of the situation and be in my power.