Visiting Cosmos Tree

“The environment at Cosmos Tree is one of love and acceptance. There is a professionalism with which I am greeted that is gentle and reassuring for what I need to do in a new activity, in an unknown place. I am encouraged to “leave my cares and concerns” while removing my shoes and to “enter into a state of quiet and receptivity”. I know I am in a Sacred Space.

Does Your Child Look Like You?: Appearance and True Identity

The question I most often get as a parent, from friends, family members and strangers alike, is, “whom do you think your child looks like?” By that I think they mean, “Is your child a physical copy of you or your husband?”

Visually speaking, I don’t think my children look like copies of anyone; they just look like themselves. More importantly, I know through The Teachings brought forth by Dr. Roger B. Lane that the True Focus on this Earth is not an outer one, but is an Inner One.

Are You Giving Yourself The Life You Want? A mini-guide.

“GIVE YOURSELF THE LIFE YOU WANT!!!” is printed in big boldface type on the cover of the latest Cosmos Tree brochure. The new Cosmos Tree website, on its Home page, says “LIVE THE LIFE YOU WANT!”

As the brochure states, Cosmos Tree “offers Tools you can use – “CDs; MP3s; DVDs; Talks; Open Hours; Classes; Workshops; and Publications … to assist you in transforming your innate potential into concrete reality.

So where to begin?

Learn How To Live Worry-Free!

I vividly remember the exact afternoon I heard the first notes of reggae music. I was perched on the cliffs with childhood girlfriends overlooking the sparkling Pacific Ocean. When the music came on I was beyond taken with it. It went straight to my mainline and my heartbeat permanently shifted to that of a crisp roots rhythm guitar. I was awash in the sweet sound. As the honorable Robert Nesta Marley said, “One good thing about music is when it hits you, you feel no pain.”

How To Meditate With Kids

I Mediate daily with the Meditation Of The Light Of The Most High, taught by Dr. Roger B. Lane, the Founding Director of Cosmos Tree, and know the many physical, emotional, mental – and most importantly – Spiritual benefits of my practice. I would love for my children to benefit like I do from Meditation, but let’s face it! They are 5, 3, and 2 years old. I can’t even get them to sit quietly for 5 minutes, let alone hours!

Stop Drinking! Start Meditating!

I am bored of the “mom stereotypes” that perpetuate social media these days. Scrolling through my Facebook feed, not a day goes by that I don’t see something about my “favorite” stereotype – moms and wine. Yesterday it was a meme that said, “kids are so expensive because of all the wine I have to buy…”

The Truth About Holiday Stress – and What You Can Do About It!

As the holidays approach I am starting to have those familiar warm and happy feelings about my life and my family. I picture myself celebrating with loved ones, wearing a cozy knitted sweater, opening gifts, baking fun new recipes and sipping peppermint hot cocoa while listening to holiday-infused jazz. Something about thinking of the”future” is comforting. I do so especially towards the end of the summer when I need to cope with the imminent change of temperature and choose to focus on the “happy things” that happen during the winter. I also have done it out of habit. My mind is just used to doing that. This reminds me of something the Founder and Director of Cosmos Tree, Dr. Roger B. Lane, talks about in The Money Workbook: that we are so habituated in living in the “future” that we don’t enjoy it when it finally arrives because we have moved onto the next thing in the “future”.

Thanksgiving Gratitude

As a child, I remember the holidays being magical. There was the turkey; pumpkin pie; fancy dresses; loads of relatives; eating, eating and eating! As an adult, my experience of the holidays has been not that magical. There’s the turkey (to cook!); the pumpkin pie (calories!); dressing my own squirming children in fancy clothes (so many tiny buttons!); loads of relatives (making a mess at my house!) and all that eating, eating and more eating!

Want to Know How to Really Celebrate Thanksgiving? Listen to the Meditation Of Gratitude!

For many people, the holiday of Thanksgiving has to do with saying “thank you” or “giving thanks.” But as a longtime Student of Dr. Lane, the Founder and Director of Cosmos Tree, I know that it is really Gratitude that is one of the most important Teachings that Dr. Lane brings forward. It is One that I have studied for years and that I Know to be Key to living in Peace and in Joy each and every moment.

Meditation Celebration

It’s not the most packed house in the city. This Meditation Center – but it will be. Hearts are opening by the moment and love cannot help guiding us exactly where we’re meant to be.

The Meditation Of The Light Of The Most High satisfies, replenishes, heals, renews and gives perfect attunement.