
Meditation Celebration

It’s not the most packed house in the city. This Meditation Center – but it will be. Hearts are opening by the moment and love cannot help guiding us exactly where we’re meant to be.

The Meditation Of The Light Of The Most High satisfies, replenishes, heals, renews and gives perfect attunement.

And yet many turn away from the invitation. “I have a frightful situation with my husband. We are really on the rocks and I don’t think he would like me taking time for myself.” “Things are insane at work. I have to stay late indefinitely.” “My kids are so demanding of my time. There is nothing left for me.” “I know,” I say, “Come anyway! Come with concerns and your burdens! Just trust me! Better yet, trust yourself, your heart! You are greatly, greatly loved and you got this. Meditation helps you know that.”

The thing they don’t know – until they do –that Meditation strengthens the part of themselves that resides in, “Everything is okay,” and, in turn, it makes things okay. It’s true. When you anchor your life with a committed Meditation practice what you are doing is giving yourself devotion to the Soul within you and the things of the world handle themselves. Effortlessly. Yes, to buy my new, dream home I still may need to go sign the escrow documents; however, the Grace of having a strong Spiritual Practice allows things to happen easily for me. For instance, my ideal, brand new home is shown to me before it even goes on the market and has a motivated developer selling it. The perfect boyfriend for me shows up at my doorstep, literally, without my even inviting him over or knowing him until he knocks on the door. My grass hut bungalow in Bora Bora is upgraded to a thatched roof suite on stilts over the aqua water. This is a magic show.

When I really step back and absorb how utterly cared for I am it is mind-blowing. The gifts that have come into my life, and continue to, every day leave me speechless. Mind blown. That’s why I’m attempting to paint a picture of the immense, infinite Love and wonderment that comes with Meditation. Its Gifts don’t stop when the timer goes off. They’ve just begun.

It is the great democracy – you need nothing; you come with everything already inside of you and when you sit to Meditate you simply allow that which is your true Essence to well-up from within you and eclipse the mundane, the minutia you with the expansive and utterly true infinite you. The beauty is that through this natural process you Lift above your thoughts and feelings that are the pain of separation from the Spirit you are. There is real peace within yourself. You discover that you’re joyful, feel free and are light. You are still yourself but kinder, easier to forgive, grateful for all you have, an interested student of life and a calm presence wherever you go. It is delightful and all because of Meditation.

This fine art form has been here since the beginning and you are perfectly suited right now, with all your perceived imperfections. Start right now! And now! And now! And now! All these moments are here for you. It’s your choice. There’s no pressure. Love is patient, love is kind. Love does not abide by time.

Meditation is the highest form of self Love. Trust me, I’ve tried it all. I have been around more blocks than I can tally. Popped down side streets and took the short cut across alleys. What I’ve found is that there is no substitute for this. And why would you want a substitute anyway?

The real Teacher is holding court; gently waiting for you to take off your heavy jacket and make yourself at home inside yourself. Get used to the spaciousness! Get accustomed to being taken care of! Make friends with the exuberantly bursting and ever-replenishing fireworks inside. You’re going to become one with the celebration and soon realize that it is all you ever were and all you’ll ever be.

And the most you could ever ask for.

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