Postpartum. This word has haunted me ever since I birthed my first child.  As much as I’ve wanted to welcome another Soul into this world and our family since my dear son I’ve been scared of the aftermath of birth.  I was not afraid of losing pregnancy weight or staying indoors for long stints with foggy baby brain or even sleepless nights but my terror was of the emotional ups and downs that I experienced after my son was born.  I remember not being able to see the world as I normally do and things seemed overwhelming.  It was like the world was constantly coming at me, a video game of attacking “to dos” that pop up from around every corner of domestic life and needing to be shot with instant reflexes of nursing, laundry, diaper-changing, cooking, cleaning, not showering, wearing hospital panties and much more on repeat.  I recall sobbing tears for no apparent reason and then being furiously angry at the people that I loved most dearly.  That was the most frightful part for me; I was as furious as a ball of fire.

Now I am three weeks postpartum with my second child, a beloved and beautiful daughter. And, yep, I have had most all the symptoms I short-listed above. And, true to my fear, the rage has been the hardest aspect for my family to digest and, sadly, for me to cease.It is not my normal personality and certainly not my intent but when my body is a furnace of hormones the words, “Can you please empty the diaper pail?” have such a seething tone that I sound like I’m about to detonate.Yet, there is something different this time and that’s why I write. There is a glimmer of hope that has sprung up like a spring within me. I’m allowing myself to be Loved more this time and I notice that I’m recovering quicker because of it. By this I mean, I’m more open-hearted and patient. I let myself be hugged and helped by my family but, most powerfully, I allowed this phenomenal, incredible Love that is my Meditation Teacher.

I’ve had the great Blessing of Dr. Roger B. Lane being my Meditation Teacher for a decade now and with That has come Transformational and life-changing Learning. This Learning continues to Lift me to new places within mySelf. For instance, I’m experiencing Peace regardless of the outer situations and positivity; i.e., focusing on what I’m thankful for, has become a real and actual Choice for me. I may not always Choose it; sometimes I am lazy and want to be in the murk and mire of emotional drama, but I have the ability at each moment to let it go and be different. That’s what I wanted to employ postpartum this time.

And the question in my heart that irked me and made me afraid if I could handle postpartum again with a second child was, “Am I capable of Choosing into using what I’ve Learned and be Neutral even when my body is a chemical factory and my hormones are blazing trails into every alleyway of my emotional well-being? Can I employ Choice in these fire and brimstone moments? When I’m a real live Medusa?” This is the nut of which I was afraid.

Now three weeks have passed since our angel girl came into the world. I have been a straight-up nutter some of the time, I’m not going to lie. However, something purely magical happened amid the ordinary yesterday that changed the course of this pattern for me. My Beloved Meditation Teacher called me on the phone. Dr. Lane simply called because of noticing that I was having trouble understanding a project we were working on together. Dr. Lane asked if I was okay and I explained to my Teacher a little about the anger and rage I was experiencing and expressing. And here’s what happened: Dr. Lane simply said, “That is quite normal considering you just gave birth. It takes a little while for the hormones to subside. I’d let you know if you had a real problem.”

And with that poof! something huge was Lifted off of me. I could see straight and understood that this is a temporary state and I was moved into Acceptance. I felt compassion for mySelf and my family. Instead of judging mySelf as harshly as a snake witch I was able to see objectively that this is quite run-of-the-mill after giving birth to a baby and, all of a sudden, I was flooded with solutions to all of the “problems” I was experiencing. What really happened, sum total, is that Dr. Lane gave me an incredible Gift by Lifting from me, in that conversation, all the judgments I’ve had against mySelf. My Meditaiton Teacher is a Spiritual Master and is Graced with the incredible Power of Clearing karma for a Soul. And I gave mySelf the Gift of Allowing mySelf to be Loved by my Teacher.

L.O.V.E., as defined by Dr. Lane’s Teachings, is Letting go Of Volition Every time. Meaning, I surrendered my judgments on mySelf and Allowed the Spiritual Action of my Meditation Teacher calling me to wash over me. I let the Love in by Letting Go. And I was moved into a very different place. One of self- compassion. Hey, yep, the hours are long in the beginning while the body is recovering, the whole family is turned upside down with the addition of another precious child but it stabilizes; we can get some more help (for example, order dinner) and I’ll be back to me soon. How simple and objective these solutions are! It is because my sightlines were raised by my Letting Go and Allowing My Teacher’s clearing of my karma that I could actually see clearly. And it wasn’t just sight that was renewed. I had more energy; felt Peaceful; knew instantly how to renew myself physically and was also moved into a place of deep thankfulness for what I’ve received.

Two of life’s most precious Gifts: One, my children. Thank you; thank you, God. And the other is my Teacher and being His Child. Thank you; thank you, God.

Copyright 2019. Soundly Inc. All rights reserved.

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I am not a patient person.  I want what I want and, once I can see it in my laser-sharp sight, then I am frothing at the bit for it to happen.  And, in the meantime, I am, oftentimes, intolerant of all else.  I will go to great distances to assuage the pain of not having what I want.  Given this, you must be able to imagine the grand celebration I have when I finally secure my target.  Or can you?  What happens is I get so trapped in the wanting itself that when I receive the apple of my eye most often I’m so “sold” on the idea that it is already mine that I’m already on to the next one, as Jay-Z says.  A capitalist spirit?  You could say so, on a good day. A mover and a shaker?  That would be an outsized compliment.  A bottomless beast that constantly needs to be fed? Well, you said it; not I.

So if this pattern is not about the acquisition, not about the win, not about the gold dug in the gold digger’s path then what is it about?  The answer might surprise you. It is about not Knowing that I’m Loved and okay just as I am.  It’s about not being Present. It is about avoidance, in that moment, of God’s deep, beautiful Love. When I am impatient I place the things of the world as my priority and push the sweet Nectar of the Love away with my outstretched, begging and insisting hand.  When what I really, deeply yearn for more than anything is the beauty of being Present.  Allowing mySelf to Surrender into Joy, into Peace and into Knowing everything is groovy just as it is!  With the new house. Without the new house.  With the raise.  Without the raise.  With. Without. The solution is inside – within.

My Beloved Meditation Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, describes in the “Tools For Living Free” entitled “Practicing Patience”: The Solution. “Patience is being Present giving yourSelf what you need and what you need is the Spirit that you are; in every case that’s how it is. And the impatience comes from what? Forgetting. It comes from forgetting a simple fact: that God lives in you as you. Try being impatient while you Remember consciously that you are Spirit. … Patience is a Gift, an Opportunity to be Present with God, with yourSelf, to nurture yourSelf, to Love yourSelf and It sure feels a lot better than being impatient. …”

Knowing this, what do I do when I’m obsessed with getting something, striving to be better, stronger, faster, smarter and stressing? How do I get off this cycle and get back to mySelf, to God, to the Present moment and to acceptance? 

I simply do a Process to let go of all that stands in the way and allow Spirit to take it and to have it transmuted.  Here is what My Teacher has Taught me:  Call In The Light Of The Most High by saying, “Lord, God, send me Your Light!” Say, “Lord, God, please take these attachments from me!”  Tell yourSelf to let them go!  Now accept your Power to move beyond your circumstances and time and space by being Present with God! This is the Practice of Patience, Neutrality and Acceptance and being Centered in the Spirit you are.

I suggest you also make this yours.  Fill your heart with the Love and watch how life unfolds for you by attending a Mediation Of The Light Of The Most High at the Home Center in New York City or at our Regional Centers!

Copyright 2019. Soundly Inc. All rights reserved.

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In the Video/DVD entitled “The ‘False Self vs. True Self’Game” from the Series “Understanding The Spirit You Are” by Dr. Roger B. Lane, the Founder/Director of Cosmos Tree and My Spiritual Teacher, Dr. Lane says:

“We may find ourSelves doing what I call the numberless game which is there are 99 people who do this in that way and yet my Inner Truth is I need to do the very same thing according to the Integrity of my Truth, Which is different so that the numbers don’t add up. As a matter of fact, they may be against me. …”

Let me give you an example! The holidays have just ended and, thanks to the Gift of Loving Service Given to me by Dr. Lane, I spent much of it hosting/attending every Offering at the Cosmos Tree Center: Meditations and/or Sunday Programs on Thanksgiving, Christmas, Christmas Eve, New Year’s, New Year’s Eve.

When I first started hosting on holidays, I was afraid to tell my family that I wouldn’t be joining them for Thanksgiving. What would they think? Say? Even “do”? As Dr. Lane has pointed out, I was attached to the opinions of others, in this case, millions of others in the form of the societal “norm” that holiday equals in-person family time, no matter my preference otherwise.   

I hosted two Meditations on Thanksgiving so I essentially spent the day at the Cosmos Tree Center; this year, this single day of Growth And Upliftment was one of the best days of my life. I was in Joy! I was In Celebration! What a Gift! All I did was show up! And commit and recommit as needed to being There!

That first year that I spent Thanksgiving at the Center, I Learned how to work this numberless” situation – and others – Spiritually. Here’s how: call in the Light Of The Most High inside yourSelf: “For the Highest Good Lord, God, send me Your Light!’ For the Highest Good Lord, God, please [fill in what you want; for instance, to be at the Center and also for everything with my family to work out easily and effortlessly, etc.] That first year, my favorite family members “just happened” to be in my neighborhood the next day and we got together!

You can also direct your basic selves – the part of you that brings forward your karmic patterns and that loves to “belong” or, as Dr. Lane has said, to play “the numbers game” – like this: “Basics, come present! I need your cooperation and energy to [direct them into the action you prefer; for instance, host/attend Meditation at the Center on Thanksgiving and be in Joy and Peace as we do This!] Thank you and let’s keep up the great work doing This!”

You can also use the Two-Part Release Technique by calling in the Light Of The Most High as noted above; then say, “For the Highest Good Lord, God, please take any fear from me!” and tell yourSelf, “(your name) it’s OK to let it go!”

Most importantly, as Dr. Lane Teaches in the Video/DVD, there is only one “… Number that really counts – the Integer, the One, the Spirit that we are – That’s What counts and That is What I Honor and Walk with when I stay in My Integrity.”

Please use one of the many Tools For Living Free, a double-sided educational publication, made available at under “Resources”. Start with #16 titled “Being Present In The Moment”; read it and do the exercises often! Please note, too, that while this Tool will help you Lift and Grow and is therefore very important in your Spiritual Growth, to be Truly Present with Spirit/The Integer/In Integrity, you need to request and be Given Initiation Into The Sound Current, a Precious Gift Given by My Teacher/the Lord, God. Through Initiation, you have direct access to the Spirit you are/The Lord, God. For more information, please feel free to visit at Initiation.

As the holiday season winds down, I notice that a lot of people I know are sick with severe colds. As Dr. Lane Teaches, colds come from “being cold to yourSelf.”

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Cosmos Tree, through its Programs, Events, and Web site, offers a wealth of Resources to assist one to Lift above life’s “challenges”, which according to the Teachings brought forth by Dr. Roger B. Lane, Cosmos Tree Founder/Director and Spiritual Teacher, “challenges” are really Opportunities to Lift and Grow as the Spirit we are!  I recently had one such “challenge” and used the Cosmos Tree Resources to see it for what it really was and to let go of any worry, frustration and anger I felt around it.

My parents’ are selling their house. A potential buyer requested a viewing and my dad asked my mom to stay home during the viewing. I thought this was not the best strategy for selling the house and convinced my mom to leave so that the buyers could view the house alone, which she did. After she left the house, she rear-ended someone on the road. No one was hurt but she caused roughly $2,000 in damage to the car she was driving (which happened to be my dad’s!)

I shared this story with my brother and how my dad had been angry with me and he joked, “yeah, it’s your fault mom is a bad driver.” Which made me laugh but also got me thinking, was I really at fault? If it hadn’t been for me my mom would have stayed home, right? I then felt terrible for offering my “two-cents” and for the damage and expense that occurred.

This false sense of responsibility and blame had me down, so I turned to Cosmos Tree for help. I knew Dr. Roger B. Lane had spoken about blame in a past Monthly Talk and that topic was then featured in a Tools For Living Free, so I pulled up the Tool from the Cosmos Tree site #29 “Living A Blame-less Existence”. I read and re-read it and while I gleaned some very important Teachings about blame from it, namely “There’s no one to blame, there’s nothing to blame, there’s only the Joy of being responsible and being with God”, I felt like something else was still with me that needed to be “worked” out.

It was time for an Open Hour! Open Hour is a Blessed Opportunity for personal Growth via an approximately 15-minute private session with Dr. Lane. I called and spoke with Dr. Lane about the accident, my feelings of blame, and fear for my parents’ current situation. I was given gentle Guidance about what the situation was really about on a Spiritual Level and how I was not to blame (remember! “There’s no one to blame”!) but that I was Responsible for living my life as the Spirit I am, which includes co-Creating with the Lord, God for what I want like the quick, easy, and profitable sale of my parents’ house and for letting go of any negativity I may be holding. In the session, Dr. Lane also pointed out some anger I was feeling around my parents, which I had been aware of, but up until then had not chosen to let go. I did so then using the Two-part Release Technique taught by Dr. Lane like this; “Lord, God, send me Your Light! Please take from me all the anger and hurt I have towards _________! (My name) it’s OK to let it go!”

At the end of Open Hour, I thanked Dr. Lane and hung up, knowing it was my Responsibility to be free and clear, regardless of what my parents say or do. I wasn’t at fault for what happened to my mom, but I also can’t blame them for any feelings or upsets I may have towards them. My parents are here to give me Opportunities to Lift and Grow and I can choose to use what happens with them to make sure I am living my life from the place of Spirit. In this situation, I had! Instead of sitting in a blame-funk, I used the Resources available to me to lift and grow. And you can too!

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It’s Valentine’s Day and as I experience the holiday with my family – receiving cards with red hearts; giving the children candy treats; dressing in red and pink and white – I think about the greatest Love of my life, my Love of God. I’ve been a Lover of God for as long as I can remember and It goes far beyond any romantic or sweet love that is expressed on a paper gift card.

What exactly does it mean to be a Lover of God? How can one Love God? God, according to the dictionary, is the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being. What?!? Just try to wrap your brain around God, and Love, and the meaning of all life…

Honestly, the answer to my question is quite simple and is beautifully spoken about in a Tools For Living Free #14 “Loving God Through Imitation” by Sound Current Master and brilliant Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane. I cannot even begin to explain how to Love the Lord, God even half as well as My Beloved Teacher does, so if you want the straight answer read it here!

I will say this, I see the Lord, God in all things. I see the Lord, God in the beauty of this world – the colors, the textures, the scents and sounds. I see the Lord, God in the small and large acts of caring, compassion, non-judgment and love that we all do in one way or another. I see the Lord, God in the “tragedies” and “triumphs” of human life. For whether it is a family member “battling” cancer or a well-deserved promotion at work – all of life’s moments are Opportunities to Learn and Grow as the Spirit within. I Love This. I Know Joy and Peace when I am being kind and compassionate. I Know God  and when I remember I am God  I surrender my hurt, pain, and anger and allow mySelf to be led from a neutral place. Dr. Lane says, “…when you love God you love yourSelf.” And “[L]oving Him is to be in that place, letting God be God.” Yes.

And for me, in particular, as an Initiate Of The Sound Current On The Path Of Soul Transcendence, I see the Lord, God “above” these manifestations in the physical realm and within mySelf when I practice the Spiritual Technique Taught at the time of Initiation. In fact, I more than “see” the Lord, God; I experience directly inside mySelf in the Soul Body the Lord, God. For more on this see What Is Initiation? here.

I Lovingly encourage you, too, to be a Lover of God! And in honor of Valentine’s Day, I leave you today with a Love sonnet to the Lord, God:

What does it mean to Love the Lord, my God? How far and wide an answer seems to be For what is Love? Is God? Is Life to me? These inquiries my mind to the beat nod. Alone I know a brain is not enough, To grasp the Truth That sits in each of us. Teacher to lead across the bridge a must! And Teach Love Lessons of God without fuss. It is from Dear Teacher the Truth is known, To Love the Lord is to act as He does. With compassion, kindness, caring and love, And do as much like a great skill to hone. To be in that God place is Love because, ‘Tis then the below is as the above.

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In the 22-part Video/DVD Series entitled“Understanding The Spirit You Are” by Roger B. Lane, Ph.D., theFounder/Director of Cosmos Tree, there is a part of one Video/DVD that has stood out to me for over 15 years. And here it is:

In Video/DVD #7 entitled “Living The Truth” Dr.Lane tells us that “I have a beautiful, beautiful 15-year-old son and one of the things as a custodian of his that I’m bringing forward is for him to learn to listen to himSelf, to trust himSelf so if his friends are doing all sorts of things and they say ‘come on, you do it’!he listens to that voice inside …”

Dr. Lane goes on to explain that his son chose “to play basketball at a level of competition that was appropriate for him even though he would be leaving his friends behind … I’m really proud of the decision he made, which was to be true to himSelf and honor his abilities and not squash them and hide them but to develop them, not flaunt them but to develop them. … to have the strength of listening to yourSelf, your truth even if it means separating from your friends or your culture or your background. It’s a wonderful, wonderful gift he gave himSelf by listening to his truth that was within him.”

Here’s what parents in particular need to Learn from Dr. Lane’s wonderful Example of Proper Parenting:

Dr. Lane Teaches the Focus into Spirit, Which isOur Truth. Focusing into Spirit is Being Present. To be Present call in the Light Of The Most High by saying, “For the Highest Good Lord, God, send me Your Light!” Then ask the Lord, God for theHighest Good to give you the experience of being Present now!” Do This as often as needed! There are many Tools on to help you do this including Tools For Living Free #87 titled “Being Present”

Dr. Lane Teaches parents in particular that they are custodians of their kids. They don’t own them; they are not “yours”; they belong to the Lord, God and you are given the Blessed Opportunity to Nurture them! Dr. Lane stays in This Truth as Dr. Lane speaks of Dr. Lane’s son. You need to do that, too! 

Dr. Lane enCourages his son to Listen to himSelf “despite the lack of outer validation.” You need to do that, too. I work with kids from ages 16-to-25 or so to help them find the jobs or internships that best fit their abilities/what they truly want to do. One-hundred percent of the time their parents, who are the ones who hire me, try to stop them. As Dr. LaneTeaches, that is what our families do because they do not want anyone to “leave them”; they want to maintain the status quo.

Finally, as I have also Learned from Dr. Lane asa Student, including from watching this revolutionary Video/DVD many times is that your kids will do as you do; they will model your actions. Teach your children to listen to themSelves by listening to yourSelf. Teach your kids to live in their Truth by living in yours. Teach your kids to honor their abilities by honoring yours. Teach your kids to be Present by Being Present yourSelf. Treat your kids with Neutrality, Kindness and Compassion as Dr. Lane recommends for all of us earlier in this Video/DVD by treating yourSelf that way inside yourSelf.

A great place to start is by using the Two-PartRelease Technique to let go of negativity as often as need be like this: call in the Light Of The Most High as noted above. Then ask the Lord, God for theHighest Good to take any negativity from you! Tell yourSelf, “(your name), it’sOK to let it go!” Then let it go! And repeat as often as you need to.

There is no “agenda” in Spirit; the only “agenda” is God’s agenda/Loving Him through the Focus into Spirit. Be There andBe with your kids with This Focus!

Start with this Video and blog! Practice Loving yourSelf inside yourSelf by following the Example in this Powerful TeachingTool featuring Dr. Lane and see what happens with your kids!

Click here to purchase the Video/DVD of “Living The Truth”

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Copyright 2018. Soundly Inc. All rights reserved.

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My family lost a cherished relative this year. As the holidays approach, I can’t help feeling a little sad for the loss of this person in my life and for the way in which it has changed the family dynamic. This loss also has me thinking about my own aging and that of my other family members, some of whom are not in good health. If I stay with this thinking I can easily get into worry about the future and what that may bring. So, what to do about my holiday blues? Here are the steps I followed to release the blues and stay Focused on the Present!:

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I think most would agree my life right now seems “stressful”. I’m eight months pregnant with my fourth child; just sold and packed up my house; and moved my family into my parents’ home while we wait to close on the new home we purchased. Did I mention that my brother and his family of four are also living with my parents while he waits to close on his new home? That’s 6 adults, 5 toddlers, a dog and baby on the way… It’s been hectic to say the least!

I’d like to share a few tips on how I use the Tools available through Cosmos Tree to remain Neutral through this situation. Tools that you too can use to find Neutrality in your life:

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If looks could kill I’d slay all day. I’d knock ‘em dead like an advertisement featuring a gaggle of leggy 90’s mega, super models donning Versace with long-burn cigarettes dripping from their perfect pouts. If looks could kill hearts would cease beating, final exhales would rush out on busy street corners and multiple 911 calls would cite a vixen as the criminal. My culprit signature would be high heel footprint everywhere I struck and, though the FBI would trace my tousled mane-sightings, I would always be just out of reach and beyond prosecution. That would be if looks could kill.

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