Living in Grace
Being a Student of My Beloved Meditation Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, there are things I have Learned through experiences that have been customized perfectly for me by Spirit to further the Growth and Upliftment of the Soul within me. And for my Mastery. I often think about how Blessed I am to have this life of Learning and experiences with my Spiritual Path and the Love of My Meditation Teacher. I wish I could give others even just a toe dip into the magic of The Path Of Soul Transcendence. So for this Blog, I jotted down some Inner Knowing and experiences I’ve had and grown in my realization of mySelf as Soul, as Spirit.
Everything in this life is Lovingly and generously orchestrated for me. I have Learned this from My Beloved Teacher and Know it through my experiences. All the characters and situations are created for me to Lift and Grow and Receive Love. Everything is God. As an Initiate each experience is a Gift, an adventure and an Opportunity to Receive more Love and Know mySelf as Spirit. For example, I have an situation where I know I am okay and supplied with money, because my Inner Knowing says it is so. However, the paper’s headlines, the common conversation, the financial sectors’ reality is that we are approaching a undefined recession and things could get “bad.” Well at first I just felt my knowing washing over me, saying, “All is okay. Just sit tight and be grateful for what you have an your next step will be supplied.” Then I had a little wavering with some worries with information about my income being cut thirty percent. However, rather than going down a rabbit hole of worry, I got Centered and knew I could make more income as needed. It is my incorporation of my Inner Knowing and making that forefront is my Spiritual Strengthening. I am not a waif or subject to the turning tides of common thought or even the stock market. Which I was smart enough to pull my money out of a few months ago, by the way! Another guidance given to me by my Inner Knowing. Look at how the Learning goes. The Process is natural, gentle and custom created for me. That’s how profoundly Loved I am. Everything is God – as am I.
All experiences, people, situations are God. Spirit goes ahead of me and takes care of me each and every moment. Receiving this care is Living In Grace. My life is exquisitely taken care of by God. This is Grace. I simply Trust, Allow and Receive. All this has been Taught to me and made a reality for me by my Beloved Meditation Teacher. This is one of the many Gifts of studying with The Master. To Receive I follow The Teachings exactly as laid out. And just Receive. I do nothing. Just be with God. Doing nothing is letting God do it and doing Nintendo. (My Teacher explains, this word as meaning, “work your buns off but leave the results to God.”) When I want to run to something or someone I run to God. I empty myself before God and stand alone with God.
I Receive the Grace and Joy when I am entirely Present with God. By doing this I stay clear within mySelf and then my actions are clear. Karma happens anytime I’m not Present. And being that’s it’s all God all I need to do is turn over any situation in my life to God, Attune and work with The Light Of The Most High. God has everything handled. He is everything. There is nowhere He is not, nothing He can’t do.
I am One and the Same as God. Therefore, I’m Perfect Spiritually. Everything on this planet and beyond this planet is God. All I need to do to Receive God’s Care and Love and Choose Proper Identification. I know I’m Spirit and that everyone is Spirit. I work the life God has given me as a powerful Co-Creator.
I’m deeply Loved. I’m Loved by God unconditionally. I am at the apex of Spirit. I am at the apex of creation because everything is God. Everything is Love. It is all One. Forgetting that I am very Loved or blocking mySelf from Receiving that Love is a denial of the Truth and it is the illusion of separation. My Choice is the fulcrum. I have the Power to Choose if I Receive God’s Love moment-by-moment. I make this Choice by where I place my consciousness. It follows that my reality is Created by where I place my consciousness. If I place my consciousness with God then I am in the Oneness and Spirit can Give to me. I am that Powerful. I am at Choice. I am that Loved.
Receiving this Love and my Royal Place in God’s Creation means Accepting. It means Accepting mySelf. Accepting that I am Worthy. And accepting that everything is Love and is God. And I am Worthy of this. This is why Acceptance is the first law of Spirit. I have to Choose to Accept how Loved I am.
I am Spirit and everything is God. This means there is nothing to earn. I’m already immensely Loved. All I need to do is simply Be.
To join me in this Process of Attuning to the Soul That lives inside of you as you request Initiation into The Sound Current by contacting My Beloved Meditation Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, through the website or
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