
Being Loving

Being Loving is far more simple than we think.  It’s far more – and far less than – grand gestures or declarations.  To be Loving is really just being your True Self.  It’s not doing for others in the form of gifts; intimacy; touch; words of affirmation; kindnesses;  though it can realize as many of those acts.  Being Loving is the seed of the flower, not the petals.  It’s not the acts.  It’s the quality and Reality behind them.  Or, another way to say this is that being Loving is being in Love. It is the quality and Reality of Love regardless of action.  For one needs to do nothing to be Loving.  Just be in a Loving space as one’s Self.

What does it mean to be in a Loving space?  As defined by my Beloved Meditation Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, it is being compassionate.  It is being 100% yourSelf in the presence of others.  My experience of That is allowing the Flow of God’s Love inside of me.  Then I allow That to be my action.  To be my guide.  To be my barometer. 

What this feels like is similar to the way I experienced life as a child.  Remember when you were young and had glimpses of knowing the world was magical?  Even if it was fleeting, there were moments where the veil between tangible and imaginary was lifted, all felt possible.  There were times where you saw the illusion of separation between form and God as it truly is: completely not there.  And you knew, directly, the Oneness of all things.  When you had moments, glimpses, maybe even sustained chapters where you felt your place in the world of things.  When you knew your specialness and you felt the depth of Love that this planet exists in. 

As a little girl I remember being in my room, listening to music and knowing I was not alone, there was an omnipresent Love that was with me and living.  Same with whenever I was with animals or in nature, one of my passions in life.  I could feel the magic I had and the gifts with which I was I was bestowed.  I knew I was special.  I could feel how Loved I was.  That’s the beginning of a metaphor for what being Loving in the True, Spiritual sense is. It is knowing you are especially Blessed and Loved.  And yet it’s not egoic, not about you, per se.  It’s simple, it’s pure, global; it’s the you beyond you.  Beyond the ego.  The Love wells up from within, Allowing that Eternal Being is being Loving. 

“Except ye be as little children, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven,” My Meditation Teacher quoted from the bible.  This doesn’t mean be perfect or a unexperienced life.  Nor does it mean only young or unscathed lives are worthy.  It means, be with and as that inherent Love that you know You are.  The One that I’m describing above; the one you knew directly, through experience, as a little child.  That you were perfect, deeply Loved, special and cherished. 

Have you noticed how a child’s love is generous and simple?  It’s What being Loving is truly like.  We can be that way as adults, too.  I have experienced this through my Meditation Teacher’s Gift to me – Initiation into the Sound Current On The Path Of Soul Transcendence.  This was a choice I made into formally becoming My Teacher’s Student.  From that decision and Attunement I have come to live in that Love that wells up from within me.  I have become It.  The karmic veils wrapped around my Soul have fallen and I live like a child in this world.  Perfect vulnerability. 

I Love with Freedom.  I Love for the sake of Loving.  I Love for nothing other than the Love itself.  I Love because It’s my True Nature.  And I see that Nature in others.  So I Love That in them, too.  I may not like others, as my Teacher explains, but I am charged with Loving them.  That’s how macro and meaningful this is. 

I notice, though, that there is a special Grace and tenderness and effusive Joy that this Love bestows upon my inner circle of friends and family.  It’s an extra dose of Love That knows no bounds.  They feel It.  There is nothing they can do to stop this upwelling of Love I have for them personally but it’s far more than just personal.  It’s Eternal.  It’s bigger than me. It is presents and hugs and tender moments – even boundaries and honest conversations – but it’s all couched in total Acceptance and ever-renewing Love.  I can’t emphasize that enough.  The Love just keeps coming and coming and coming.  There is nothing I can do to stop It.  Nor would I.  It’s Pure and pliable and enshrouds all those around me.  So I may surprise my kids with bunnies for Easter or buy tickets to a concert for friends as a gift.  Those are things in the world that are loving.  However, the real Gift is the immense Love that stands like support from my innermost Heart and infuses my actions in the world. 

It’s like a foundation.  Mine is Love for Love’s sake.  I’ve already completed everything because my Love is with me, goes ahead of me and guides me through this world.  I am just living for Love.  And that’s the pleasure.  That’s the Joy.  That’s the thing we’re all trying to get to, even if we don’t know it, and we look to the outer things to give us fulfillment.  Yet there is no place to reach; It is within.  It’s the Inner Love.  It’s the Soul’s Love.  Which is like saying, “The Love of that which is comprised of Love.”  That Love is what makes the planet a place of beauty.  Not the things or places or, even, people.  Just the Love. 

Thus, beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.  Love is in the heart of the Lover.  Beloved, Lover and the Love are One, My Teacher Says, and as we Attune to that Love through Initiation Into The Sound Current we live in the Ocean of Love and Mercy. 

If you are interested in being truly Loving, request Initiation into The Sound Current by contacting My Beloved Meditation Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, through the website www.cosmostree.org or www.spiritcentral.org 

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