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An Approach To Excellence in Anything

Twelve days ago, I was being of Loving Service by cleaning the Cosmos Tree Home Center. And boy! would it have been easy to rush through it by running my own agenda: “let me get this over with so I can go on to the next thing! After all, who wants to clean?” Certainly not…

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“Surrender What? Surrender Your Agenda!”

A Fellow Student Who attends many Cosmos Tree Events wrote some brilliant rap lyrics that many of us at Cosmos Tree regularly sing out loud as reminders of a Key Teaching brought forward by Dr. Lane, the Founder and Director of Cosmos Tree. These brilliant and catchy rap lyrics are “Surrender What? Surrender Your Agenda!…

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Feeling “Overwhelmed”? Do Self-Talk!

I was recently feeling “overwhelmed”. And were it not for the Solution – the Cure – that was given to me by Dr. Lane, the Founder/Director of Cosmos Tree and My Spiritual Teacher, I might still be allowing this negativity, which affects me and others as well. I share this Loving Solution with you now!…

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Are You Playing The “Numberless Game”? If Not, Start Now!

In the Video/DVD entitled “The ‘False Self vs. True Self’Game” from the Series “Understanding The Spirit You Are” by Dr. Roger B. Lane, the Founder/Director of Cosmos Tree and My Spiritual Teacher, Dr. Lane says: “We may find ourSelves doing what I call the numberless game which is there are 99 people who do this…

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How to Stay Neutral In Stressful Situations

I think most would agree my life right now seems “stressful”. I’m eight months pregnant with my fourth child; just sold and packed up my house; and moved my family into my parents’ home while we wait to close on the new home we purchased. Did I mention that my brother and his family of…

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Choose Love Not War: Loving YourSelf and Others

Have you ever had the experience of “battling” with a loved one? Recently, I had been battling with my four-year old son. In the past month we moved into a new house and welcomed a second son into the family. I’m certain my four-year old’s behavior was due to all the change that had occurred…

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The True Role Of A Parent

In the Fall of 2008, I began participating in Cosmos Tree Meditations and studying with Founder and Director, Dr. Roger B. Lane. At the time, I was married but did not have any children. I had no idea how much I did not know about mySelf or about being a parent. Before having children, I…

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Are You Busy Making ‘Nice, Nice’? Learn What ‘Nice’ Really Is.

Many, if not most of us, are unconscious when we speak to others. One of these “unconscious” forms of communication is making “nice, nice”. For example, a friend of mine recently asked me to do her a favor and instead of simply asking me directly, she chose to flatter me over and over again before…

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How To Make A “Difficult” Choice: Choosing With Spirit

Recently, I was faced with a “difficult” choice. I learned through using the Tools available to me from Cosmos Tree and its Founder, Dr. Roger B. Lane, that I exercise my power by choosing. Really, we all have power. I’d like to share why the choice seemed “difficult” and what it meant for me to…

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Are You Giving Yourself The Life You Want? A mini-guide.

“GIVE YOURSELF THE LIFE YOU WANT!!!” is printed in big boldface type on the cover of the latest Cosmos Tree brochure. The new Cosmos Tree website, on its Home page, says “LIVE THE LIFE YOU WANT!” As the brochure states, Cosmos Tree “offers Tools you can use – “CDs; MP3s; DVDs; Talks; Open Hours; Classes;…