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Are You Busy Making ‘Nice, Nice’? Learn What ‘Nice’ Really Is.

Many, if not most of us, are unconscious when we speak to others. One of these “unconscious” forms of communication is making “nice, nice”. For example, a friend of mine recently asked me to do her a favor and instead of simply asking me directly, she chose to flatter me over and over again before…

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How To Live A Vibrant Life!

Can’t get over the hump, cross that first bridge you are staring down, let go of the end of the rope you’ve tethered yourself to for staying in the shallows? Many of us wonder when our dull lives become the lives we envisioned ourselves leading. We make resolutions – empty promises – gripe about the…

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The Resurrection of a Happy Parent

Recently I decided to play a little trick on my four-year-old girl. We were in my bedroom and I suddenly decided to turn off the light and run out of the room as fast as I could. I knew she would love this. I knew she would immediately understand that she needed to chase me…

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Does Your Child Look Like You?: Appearance and True Identity

The question I most often get as a parent, from friends, family members and strangers alike, is, “whom do you think your child looks like?” By that I think they mean, “Is your child a physical copy of you or your husband?” Visually speaking, I don’t think my children look like copies of anyone; they…

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Learn How To Live Worry-Free!

I vividly remember the exact afternoon I heard the first notes of reggae music. I was perched on the cliffs with childhood girlfriends overlooking the sparkling Pacific Ocean. When the music came on I was beyond taken with it. It went straight to my mainline and my heartbeat permanently shifted to that of a crisp…

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How To Find Love: Love From A Spiritual Perspective

You entertain the question mark inside you that punctuates, “How do I find love?” Maybe the latest dating app will offer a new forte of handsome suitors and amid that dapper crowd one single, perfect gentleman will sweep you off your feet. Maybe there’s a cute surfer boy living next door whose path you’ve never…

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Need to change a Habit or Habits 1-2-3? Work It Spiritually!

At Cosmos Tree, “learning to change behavior patterns that no longer work for you” is at the core of Its most popular Class. Called Everyday Evolution, the Class is taught by Cosmos Tree Founder/Director Dr. Lane. Dr. Lane has also stated that when individuals come to Dr. Lane for help in their lives, which is…