
Parenting From A Spiritual Perspective – The Only Example To Follow

In the 22-part Video/DVD Series entitled“Understanding The Spirit You Are” by Roger B. Lane, Ph.D., theFounder/Director of Cosmos Tree, there is a part of one Video/DVD that has stood out to me for over 15 years. And here it is: In Video/DVD #7 entitled “Living The Truth” Dr.Lane tells us that “I have a beautiful,…

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How to Stay Neutral In Stressful Situations

I think most would agree my life right now seems “stressful”. I’m eight months pregnant with my fourth child; just sold and packed up my house; and moved my family into my parents’ home while we wait to close on the new home we purchased. Did I mention that my brother and his family of…

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Are You “Projecting” Negativity Onto Your Kids? Here’s An Easy-To-Follow Guide To Help You Free YourSelf – And Your Kids!

Until I started working with Dr. Lane, the Founder/Director of Cosmos Tree, I had no idea what projection was or that I was “projecting” my “stuff” – negativity all – onto others. All the time. As Dr. Lane explains, “Whatever the consciousness is unconscious of it projects outside.”


Life Like No One is Watching

“Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose,” Janis Joplin crooned from the dust of my 1970’s record collection. I sang along as raspy as much my childhood voice could accommodate, quickly digesting this advice as the embodiment of the theory that the less you have, the less that can be taken away from…

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Who Is The Lord, God?

Recently, my children have begun to wonder and ask questions about Spiritual Realities like “Who is God?”; “Who is Jesus?”; “What is Grace?”; etc. Despite the fact that I am a devout Initiate On The Path Of Soul Transcendence who spends much of her time Focused on the Spirit within and in Love and in…