How to Boost Positive Parenting Using So-called “Dull” Moments: A Spiritual Approach

I recently wrote a Blog post focused on problematic parenting and its Spiritually-based solutions. It was inspired by my experience working at a psychiatric hospital with parents and their children where there were no “dull” moments: lots of crying, cursing, yelling and punching of walls that called for vigorous parenting. I wrote about our need…

Are You “Doing Funny Little Stuff With Money?” – Learn How Spiritual Economics Really Works!

In the 2017 Book, A Baker’s Dozen: Tools For Daily Living, by Cosmos Tree, Inc. Founder and Director Dr. Roger B. Lane, a crucial section reads: “And I watch people do their funny little stuff with money: ‘There’s not enough; let me hold on! Let me see if I have enough for lunch! If I…

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Participation Check

Participation Check is a concise and powerful Tool that involves registering within myself if I am positive, Present and engaged or simply puttering by in life, am into my repetitive inner story line of hurt, worry, fear and simultaneously contracting my energy. Similar to an interested scientist, when I do a Participation Check, I simply…


What I Learned About Parenting at a Psychiatric Hospital

After several months providing family therapy in the adolescent unit of a psychiatric hospital I have come across some common denominators of problematic parenting that have taught me important lessons and changed my own parenting approach. Granted, children’s behaviors are not entirely in the hands of their parents; they have their own temperaments and, in…

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Choose Love Not War: Loving YourSelf and Others

Have you ever had the experience of “battling” with a loved one? Recently, I had been battling with my four-year old son. In the past month we moved into a new house and welcomed a second son into the family. I’m certain my four-year old’s behavior was due to all the change that had occurred…

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The True Role Of A Parent

In the Fall of 2008, I began participating in Cosmos Tree Meditations and studying with Founder and Director, Dr. Roger B. Lane. At the time, I was married but did not have any children. I had no idea how much I did not know about mySelf or about being a parent. Before having children, I…

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Are You Busy Making ‘Nice, Nice’? Learn What ‘Nice’ Really Is.

Many, if not most of us, are unconscious when we speak to others. One of these “unconscious” forms of communication is making “nice, nice”. For example, a friend of mine recently asked me to do her a favor and instead of simply asking me directly, she chose to flatter me over and over again before…

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How To Make A “Difficult” Choice: Choosing With Spirit

Recently, I was faced with a “difficult” choice. I learned through using the Tools available to me from Cosmos Tree and its Founder, Dr. Roger B. Lane, that I exercise my power by choosing. Really, we all have power. I’d like to share why the choice seemed “difficult” and what it meant for me to…