Are You Empty Or Bobbling?

Up until now, something that has “gotten my goat” – to quote a phrase My Teacher uses – is when people go on and on and on without answering a question directly.

Then I attended Dr. Lane’s Magnificent June 2021 Satsang titled “Listening: The Opportunity Of The Ear – A Participatory Satsang.”

Following the Satsang, Dr. Lane, My Spiritual Teacher, Generously answered questions, one of which was life-changing for me.

A Participant asked the following question: “I’d like to describe a situation and perhaps you can give some advice in terms of listening. I feel like I’ll start by saying I’ve always considered mySelf a skilled listener and someone who is Present and open and empty, ready to receive. And I’ve been in situations where the person I’m with talks a lot and a lot and a lot and I start to feel really tired and even uncomfortable with all of this listening.

So is there a way to listen with a big “L” and stay Present but also maybe not get in a situation where I’m just overwhelmed by what is being said to me?”

My Spiritual Teacher Instructed: “Yes, being a good Listener does not mean being a ‘good’ doormat. That’s the first thing. So you have an equation going that you need to change. Being a good Listener does not mean you have to sit there and the person goes on and on and on and on. It’s really a form of vampirism – people who talk a lot. And they really just strut their karma all over the place. It can be ‘wipeoutsville’ for you. You can really get depleted. It can be really kind of serious. It’s also very draining for that reason. … they bobble; they bobble; they bobble. What they say has almost nothing to do with what’s being said, what they’re being asked or anything else like that. But they just talk incessantly. …”

“But you don’t have to take that.

“There are a couple things you can do. One is, obviously, Chant Your Tones [Dr. Lane is referring to the Meditation Technique Taught at the Time Of Initiation Into The Sound Current On The Path Of Soul Transcendence] when the person is speaking. Two is put the Christed Light between you and that person and a purple candle in your solar plexis and three is end it in as gracious and as expeditiously as you can.

“It’s your time. OK. Being a good Listener doesn’t mean you have to be taken advantage of nor does it mean that you’re a target. You don’t have to worry about the other person. …”

“Why don’t you try those things and see what happens. You need to give yourSelf permission to do that and stop worrying about being a ‘good girl’. Worrying about hurting their feelings is karma. You can’t hurt someone’s feelings … You don’t have to play that role for people.”

When Dr. Lane referenced those who bobble, I knew I was one of the bobblers in question. I am – up until now – the talker who goes on and on. I know that.

I am the one, too, who understood more deeply after this question-and-answer that what I do inwardly is what I manifest outwardly. So when I chatter inside mySelf – instead of being Present – that’s exactly what I do outwardly and it’s what I attract. Bobbler-to-bobbler.

The more I focus on communicating properly and clearly – the more I focus on whether I am putting out exactly what I prefer to put out. Am I answering the question being asked be it via email or phone or in-person? Or am I running a story that has nothing to do with anything? – the more that I notice that I attract Souls who are focused, too. Wow!

As My Teacher Teaches, I practiced being empty, which is being Present. This is part of Practicing Eternal Vigilance: also letting go of anything that separates me from the Spirit I am; and doing Self-Talk to allow the Spiritual Flow. The latter means educating my basic selves – the part of me that brings forward my karmic patterns – by keeping it positive; present; giving direction and encouragement. It’s crucial to direct my basics to be Present like this: “basics, come present! – I need your cooperation and energy to be Present so we’re in Peace and Joy always! Thank you and lets keep up the great work with this!”

Before asking the Lord, God to take the self-created separation (negativity) from you or doing Self-Talk be sure to call in the Light Of the Most High like this: “Lord, God, send me Your Light!” Please do the same before asking the Lord, God to please place a purple candle in your solar plexis and the Christed Light between you and everyone and everything around you. Asking the Lord, God to place a purple candle in your solar plexis helps transmute any negativity or karma you may have picked up. As Dr. Lane has Taught, purple is the color of transmutation. Use the Tool of the Christed Light so only the Highest Frequencies can come to you. I often do Both at the start of each day for that day and ask that It be done retroactively as well.

For the first time, as I write this, my Solution to a seeming “problem” is that there are no problems in Spirit, as Dr. Lane has Taught me. Instead of blaming clients for going on and on or running a drama about the “time” lost to the bobbling of “others”, I’ve taken the Power back to mySelf, where It really is and belongs. That’s the Power of Choice, as I’ve been Taught as well.

Listening, I now understand more deeply, is Listening to mySelf. I Know that I need to prepare for the consultations I have with clients in advance instead of rushing into them unprepared and setting mySelf up to not be Present and to bobble. Instead, I carefully write down precisely the questions I prefer to ask. Write them down properly and clearly and succinctly.

And always call in the Light Of The Most High before doing anything.

And speak up.

In speaking with clients and others, I now commit to clearly stating what I need, including for them to answer questions directly and to stay focused. If they start to go on, I graciously stop them by reminding them of the focus of the meeting or any other communication.

If they disregard my direction, which happens sometimes, instead of going with the fear of speaking up, I ask the Lord, God to take the fear and tell mySelf it’s OK to let it go; I stay empty – and ask them again to please stay focused.

I am a doormat-free zone.

This blog also reinforced for me that since we’re One Spirit in Reality – there, really, is no “other”, as I’ve been Taught by My Teacher – we affect each other profoundly.

By choosing to bobble I create the violence of separation; choosing to Allow Emptiness helps all of us Lift and Grow.

Again, as I’ve been Taught by My Loving Teacher.

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