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Advice Ain’t Nice

We stream YouTube channels for advice.  At our digital fingertips are Emily Post guidance for every situation.  Have a question?  Not to worry; answers are awaiting you from the moment you wake-up and switch on!  We have our daily predicting astrology columns.  Our op ed contributors.  Our inspiring preachers.  Our ever-beloved teachers.  Our follow-the-leaders.  Our financial analysts.  Even our weathermen.  All predicting and giving us the lay of the land, helping us to make decisions, telling us what to do and giving our minds even more problems about which to worry.  The addiction to continue to search for advice, keep scrolling for the next best thing and looking outside ourSelves is insatiable.

So what are we really looking for when we look for advice?

Validation, sure.  Information, absolutely.  These both have their place and are important.  On an emotional level, understanding from others what we feel is within the realm of “normal” is assuring.  On the mental level, obtaining information that helps us to make decisions seems practical, prudent and often necessary.  However, there is another Resource to use to navigate life and that Resource lies within us and is evergreen, free and always in Support of the Highest Good.   

You see, there is something inside of us that is more than just our feelings or our minds: the Spirit.  This is our Soul.  And the Soul is our Divine Self, the spark inside of us that is the same material, the same frequency as the Lord, God.  It is made of Love and is Love.  

If you knew the actual Reality, how things really are you’d never worry a day in your life.  Everything in the world, including us, is composed of This Great Love.  All the atoms.  All the things we see, touch and feel.  And, indeed, us.  All of it is this Divine Oscillation of Great Love.  And this Love is what your Soul is made of.  That’s What exists inside of you.  

This means that our questions are made of Love.  Our situations are made of Love.  We are made of Love.  Therefore, there is no better place for advice than the very Love that lives within us as us.  

What does this look and sound like?  You start with receiving Initiation Into The Sound Current On The Path Of Soul Transcendence, Which My Beloved Meditation Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane Gifts, to Souls.  In Receiving this Gift the Soul in you is Sparked awake.  The Love within you is unlocked, as it were.  And, as you Walk The Path Of Soul Transcendence, by studying with the Meditation Master, you become aware – through Direct Experience – of your Soul within. You can receive Guidance from your Soul in the form of your Inner Knowing.   

For me, this is an actual, Inner Voice and Inner Knowing that tells me what I need to know about situations.  It may sound like, “Everything is okay; let’s trust that more money will come when we need it and continue paying the mortgage on this house now.  We don’t yet need to sell just yet.  The market value will hold for next year.”  This Inner Wisdom proves to be true and my investment is protected.  How much stress and running around I am saved from by listening to mySelf!  Or the Inner Voice may say, “You need to call a new printer right now.  The company you have your Thesis printed at is not able to complete the job.” Shortly after my partner in the project received a call from the printer saying that their head staff member had quit.  My Inner Knowing can also say things like, “This vitamin isn’t good for you.”  Maybe there is something in the way it is processed or the actual nutrient that isn’t sitting well with my system.  I stop taking that vitamin and energy I didn’t know was missing comes back into my body.  Another perfect example is listening to my Inner Knowing that I can Focus stronger in (what the world calls) Meditation.  So I make the point to further Focus and I feel more Free throughout my day and life. 

When you receive Initiation into The Sound Current on The Path Of Soul Transcendence then your Soul is Sparked Awake and you live with access to the Love and inner Knowing within. So you can use this Wisdom, Knowing, Divine Flow of Love to vet and make decisions in your life.  Sure, you also integrate all the intel of the world.  Read articles, research, deal with “practical” things; however, your Consciousness is at this Flow of Love and Wisdom, and that’s What Sources the decisions.

And That’s what Sources you. You start to realize and experience this Love and Know that You are this Love.  And when basking in this Love there is a Security and Trust so the questions of the world don’t seem very alarming because you Know you always have the Answer within.  And you realize that you are Divinely Guided, if you allow It.  If you Listen to It.  And that Listening takes the form of Attuning to That Which you already are.  The True Self, for lack of a better way of describing It, would never lead you astray. It gives the perfect Advice.  

This Soul’s Knowing is available to us as a Source of Wisdom about all things in the world.  From the mundane to the magnificent.  An example of the magnificent is that a Fellow Student and friend of mine house-hunted for over nine months after selling her home and renting multiple different mid-term homes while actively watching the market.  She “Knew” that her perfect house was coming to her.  She turned down logical option after logical option because it wasn’t correct.  Just this week the perfect house for her, on a pond, flanking a state forest, with ample light and vaulted ceilings came available.  It happened to be twice as much money as the other houses she was looking at but she realized, upon revisiting her financial responsibilities, that she could easily afford it.  She is in escrow now and facetimed me from the wooded haven this morning.  Believe it or not, there is part of us that always Knows!

That same part of us can also inform and guide our Spiritual Progression.  If we Listen to ourSelves we can receive the Inner Guidance we need for our next steps directly from the Spirit that we are.  It’s like an Inner Knowing and a closed-loop system by which we are refined and even greater refined by this beautiful Attunement from God, which is what we are, and therefore, is within!  This may offer a self-directed tweak in the way we are being in the world or our inner environment.  It may also tell us how to shift our Focus within ourSelves or adjust Spiritually.  

When we’re at this focus inside of ourSelves it becomes a “place” from which to approach things of the world.  We may get intel about a situation or problem and then we assimilate it inside ourSelves.  We listen to our Inner Knowing about this information or follow the next step It brings forward for us.  We just stay in the Love, renew the Love, listen to the Love and are moved through the world effortlessly.  This is the True Solution to anxiety, to powerlessness, to spinning our wheels, to “me vs. them” and to fear.  Just go within and be Source from the Love you are.  Get advice from the best Love Column going.  Yours!

If you are interested in Living and Listening to this Love and being this Love then request Initiation Into The Sound Current by contacting My Beloved Meditation Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, through the website www.cosmostree.org or www.spiritcentral.org.

Copyright 2021. Soundly Inc. All rights reserved.

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