The Resurrection of a Happy Parent

Recently I decided to play a little trick on my four-year-old girl. We were in my bedroom and I suddenly decided to turn off the light and run out of the room as fast as I could. I knew she would love this. I knew she would immediately understand that she needed to chase me and catch me. When she caught up to me she said, with surprise, “Mama, why are you happy?!”

How To Choose Your Creations Wisely

Responsibility takes on a whole new meaning when you become a parent. You are now responsible for a small child – feeding them, clothing them, keeping them safe, educating them about the correct way to behave…it sometimes feels like a heavy task. I’ve caught myself many times over the past years focusing outwardly on all the ways I am responsible for others; forgetting that most importantly, I am Responsible for me.

Does Your Child Look Like You?: Appearance and True Identity

The question I most often get as a parent, from friends, family members and strangers alike, is, “whom do you think your child looks like?” By that I think they mean, “Is your child a physical copy of you or your husband?”

Visually speaking, I don’t think my children look like copies of anyone; they just look like themselves. More importantly, I know through The Teachings brought forth by Dr. Roger B. Lane that the True Focus on this Earth is not an outer one, but is an Inner One.

How To Put Your Kids To Sleep: A Nighttime Prayer

In a previous post, I wrote about a nighttime Prayer you can teach your children – One that Focuses them on Gratitude and the many Blessings of their life! This is a great way to set the tone for bedtime and to assist your child in Focusing on the Spirit that they are!

In this post, I suggest a way to assist your child in falling asleep. Ah, the magic of bedtime! As a parent of three young ones, I treasure the time my children are sleeping. While I enjoy their wakeful state, after 12 hours straight of baby/toddler/kid time – I am usually ready for a break.

A Parent’s Lifeline: Nourishing the Soul

I had a dream recently where I was very happy and not really able to walk. I jumped freely everywhere I went, similar to the effortless way that my four-year old daughter does everyday. But I was not a little kid in my dream. I was the grown woman that I am today but I was skipping over sidewalks, playfully jumping up to touch any fun thing that hung several feet over my head. When I woke up, my dream very strongly reminded me of what was really true in my life. Nothing else seemed true that day. I had been lying on a hospital bed for a couple of days, tucked in by the IV bags to my left and vital signs machines to my right.

How To Pray With Kids!

I’d like to share with you some easy ways to pray with children. One Prayer I do with my children is the “Blessing of the Food”, taught to me by Dr. Roger B. Lane, Founder/Director of Cosmos Tree. I Bless the food with my children before every meal. Sometimes my young ones join in and sometimes they just listen as I say It.

How To Meditate With Kids

I Mediate daily with the Meditation Of The Light Of The Most High, taught by Dr. Roger B. Lane, the Founding Director of Cosmos Tree, and know the many physical, emotional, mental – and most importantly – Spiritual benefits of my practice. I would love for my children to benefit like I do from Meditation, but let’s face it! They are 5, 3, and 2 years old. I can’t even get them to sit quietly for 5 minutes, let alone hours!

Stop Drinking! Start Meditating!

I am bored of the “mom stereotypes” that perpetuate social media these days. Scrolling through my Facebook feed, not a day goes by that I don’t see something about my “favorite” stereotype – moms and wine. Yesterday it was a meme that said, “kids are so expensive because of all the wine I have to buy…”

Thanksgiving Gratitude

As a child, I remember the holidays being magical. There was the turkey; pumpkin pie; fancy dresses; loads of relatives; eating, eating and eating! As an adult, my experience of the holidays has been not that magical. There’s the turkey (to cook!); the pumpkin pie (calories!); dressing my own squirming children in fancy clothes (so many tiny buttons!); loads of relatives (making a mess at my house!) and all that eating, eating and more eating!

How To Find The Time To Give YourSelf The Gift Of Meditation

I am a parent of three young ones and I Meditate. Everyday. For hours. The reaction I most get is, “How do you find the TIME!?!”

How does one “find the time” for anything, really? Parenting, marriage, friendship, Service and Meditation – for me it boils down to Commitment. I “find the time” because I choose to. How do I feed my children healthful food instead of junk food? I commit to buying and preparing healthful food. It’s the same with Meditation.