Being a Student of My Beloved Meditation Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, there are things I have Learned through experiences that have been customized perfectly for me by Spirit to further the Growth and Upliftment of the Soul within me.  And for my Mastery. I often think about how Blessed I am to have this life of Learning and experiences with my Spiritual Path and the Love of My Meditation Teacher.  I wish I could give others even just a toe dip into the magic of The Path Of Soul Transcendence.  So for this Blog, I jotted down some Inner Knowing and experiences I’ve had and grown in my realization of mySelf as Soul, as Spirit. 

     Everything in this life is Lovingly and generously orchestrated for me.  I have Learned this from My Beloved Teacher and Know it through my experiences.  All the characters and situations are created for me to Lift and Grow and Receive Love.  Everything is God.  As an Initiate each experience is a Gift, an adventure and an Opportunity to Receive more Love and Know mySelf as Spirit.  For example, I have an situation where I know I am okay and supplied with money, because my Inner Knowing says it is so. However, the paper’s headlines, the common conversation, the financial sectors’ reality is that we are approaching a undefined recession and things could get “bad.”  Well at first I just felt my knowing washing over me, saying, “All is okay. Just sit tight and be grateful for what you have an your next step will be supplied.”  Then I had a little wavering with some worries with information about my income being cut thirty percent.  However, rather than going down a rabbit hole of worry, I got Centered and knew I could make more income as needed.  It is my incorporation of my Inner Knowing and making that forefront is my Spiritual Strengthening.  I am not a waif or subject to the turning tides of common thought or even the stock market.  Which I was smart enough to pull my money out of a few months ago, by the way!  Another guidance given to me by my Inner Knowing.  Look at how the Learning goes.  The Process is natural, gentle and custom created for me.  That’s how profoundly Loved I am.  Everything is God – as am I. 

     All experiences, people, situations are God. Spirit goes ahead of me and takes care of me each and every moment.  Receiving this care is Living In Grace. My life is exquisitely taken care of by God.  This is Grace.  I simply Trust, Allow and Receive.  All this has been Taught to me and made a reality for me by my Beloved Meditation Teacher.  This is one of the many Gifts of studying with The Master.  To Receive I follow The Teachings exactly as laid out.  And just Receive.  I do nothing.  Just be with God. Doing nothing is letting God do it and doing Nintendo. (My Teacher explains, this word as meaning, “work your buns off but leave the results to God.”)  When I want to run to something or someone I run to God. I empty myself before God and stand alone with God.

     I Receive the Grace and Joy when I am entirely Present with God.  By doing this I stay clear within mySelf and then my actions are clear.  Karma happens anytime I’m not Present.  And being that’s it’s all God all I need to do is turn over any situation in my life to God, Attune and work with The Light Of The Most High.  God has everything handled.  He is everything.  There is nowhere He is not, nothing He can’t do. 

     I am One and the Same as God.  Therefore, I’m Perfect Spiritually.  Everything on this planet and beyond this planet is God.  All I need to do to Receive God’s Care and Love and Choose Proper Identification.  I know I’m Spirit and that everyone is Spirit. I work the life God has given me as a powerful Co-Creator. 

     I’m deeply Loved.  I’m Loved by God unconditionally.  I am at the apex of Spirit.  I am at the apex of creation because everything is God.  Everything is Love.  It is all One.  Forgetting that I am very Loved or blocking mySelf from Receiving that Love is a denial of the Truth and it is the illusion of separation.  My Choice is the fulcrum.  I have the Power to Choose if I Receive God’s Love moment-by-moment.  I make this Choice by where I place my consciousness.  It follows that my reality is Created by where I place my consciousness.  If I place my consciousness with God then I am in the Oneness and Spirit can Give to me.  I am that Powerful. I am at Choice.  I am that Loved. 

     Receiving this Love and my Royal Place in God’s Creation means Accepting.  It means Accepting mySelf.  Accepting that I am Worthy.  And accepting that everything is Love and is God.  And I am Worthy of this.  This is why Acceptance is the first law of Spirit. I have to Choose to Accept how Loved I am. 

     I am Spirit and everything is God.  This means there is nothing to earn. I’m already immensely Loved.  All I need to do is simply Be.

To join me in this Process of Attuning to the Soul That lives inside of you as you request Initiation into The Sound Current by contacting My Beloved Meditation Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, through the website or

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Being Loving is far more simple than we think.  It’s far more – and far less than – grand gestures or declarations.  To be Loving is really just being your True Self.  It’s not doing for others in the form of gifts; intimacy; touch; words of affirmation; kindnesses;  though it can realize as many of those acts.  Being Loving is the seed of the flower, not the petals.  It’s not the acts.  It’s the quality and Reality behind them.  Or, another way to say this is that being Loving is being in Love. It is the quality and Reality of Love regardless of action.  For one needs to do nothing to be Loving.  Just be in a Loving space as one’s Self.

What does it mean to be in a Loving space?  As defined by my Beloved Meditation Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, it is being compassionate.  It is being 100% yourSelf in the presence of others.  My experience of That is allowing the Flow of God’s Love inside of me.  Then I allow That to be my action.  To be my guide.  To be my barometer. 

What this feels like is similar to the way I experienced life as a child.  Remember when you were young and had glimpses of knowing the world was magical?  Even if it was fleeting, there were moments where the veil between tangible and imaginary was lifted, all felt possible.  There were times where you saw the illusion of separation between form and God as it truly is: completely not there.  And you knew, directly, the Oneness of all things.  When you had moments, glimpses, maybe even sustained chapters where you felt your place in the world of things.  When you knew your specialness and you felt the depth of Love that this planet exists in. 

As a little girl I remember being in my room, listening to music and knowing I was not alone, there was an omnipresent Love that was with me and living.  Same with whenever I was with animals or in nature, one of my passions in life.  I could feel the magic I had and the gifts with which I was I was bestowed.  I knew I was special.  I could feel how Loved I was.  That’s the beginning of a metaphor for what being Loving in the True, Spiritual sense is. It is knowing you are especially Blessed and Loved.  And yet it’s not egoic, not about you, per se.  It’s simple, it’s pure, global; it’s the you beyond you.  Beyond the ego.  The Love wells up from within, Allowing that Eternal Being is being Loving. 

“Except ye be as little children, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven,” My Meditation Teacher quoted from the bible.  This doesn’t mean be perfect or a unexperienced life.  Nor does it mean only young or unscathed lives are worthy.  It means, be with and as that inherent Love that you know You are.  The One that I’m describing above; the one you knew directly, through experience, as a little child.  That you were perfect, deeply Loved, special and cherished. 

Have you noticed how a child’s love is generous and simple?  It’s What being Loving is truly like.  We can be that way as adults, too.  I have experienced this through my Meditation Teacher’s Gift to me – Initiation into the Sound Current On The Path Of Soul Transcendence.  This was a choice I made into formally becoming My Teacher’s Student.  From that decision and Attunement I have come to live in that Love that wells up from within me.  I have become It.  The karmic veils wrapped around my Soul have fallen and I live like a child in this world.  Perfect vulnerability. 

I Love with Freedom.  I Love for the sake of Loving.  I Love for nothing other than the Love itself.  I Love because It’s my True Nature.  And I see that Nature in others.  So I Love That in them, too.  I may not like others, as my Teacher explains, but I am charged with Loving them.  That’s how macro and meaningful this is. 

I notice, though, that there is a special Grace and tenderness and effusive Joy that this Love bestows upon my inner circle of friends and family.  It’s an extra dose of Love That knows no bounds.  They feel It.  There is nothing they can do to stop this upwelling of Love I have for them personally but it’s far more than just personal.  It’s Eternal.  It’s bigger than me. It is presents and hugs and tender moments – even boundaries and honest conversations – but it’s all couched in total Acceptance and ever-renewing Love.  I can’t emphasize that enough.  The Love just keeps coming and coming and coming.  There is nothing I can do to stop It.  Nor would I.  It’s Pure and pliable and enshrouds all those around me.  So I may surprise my kids with bunnies for Easter or buy tickets to a concert for friends as a gift.  Those are things in the world that are loving.  However, the real Gift is the immense Love that stands like support from my innermost Heart and infuses my actions in the world. 

It’s like a foundation.  Mine is Love for Love’s sake.  I’ve already completed everything because my Love is with me, goes ahead of me and guides me through this world.  I am just living for Love.  And that’s the pleasure.  That’s the Joy.  That’s the thing we’re all trying to get to, even if we don’t know it, and we look to the outer things to give us fulfillment.  Yet there is no place to reach; It is within.  It’s the Inner Love.  It’s the Soul’s Love.  Which is like saying, “The Love of that which is comprised of Love.”  That Love is what makes the planet a place of beauty.  Not the things or places or, even, people.  Just the Love. 

Thus, beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.  Love is in the heart of the Lover.  Beloved, Lover and the Love are One, My Teacher Says, and as we Attune to that Love through Initiation Into The Sound Current we live in the Ocean of Love and Mercy. 

If you are interested in being truly Loving, request Initiation into The Sound Current by contacting My Beloved Meditation Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, through the website or 

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As I’m writing this Russia is launching an assault on Ukraine.  Families are fleeing, separated from one another, people are being killed as neighborhoods and buildings are shelled. It’s not just the Ukrainian warriors who are under attack, but people living in cities and towns.  Normal, beautiful people.  My mind can’t wrap itself around this reality – in 2022 an actual invasion is happening with the attempt to dominate a neighboring country on European soil.  This feels old and from the pages of history.  I would think, as a community, as people, as the human race, we have grown beyond wanting to destroy or damage others in such a huge, cyclical event the reverberates the world over.  That we could have learned. 

However, as my Meditation Teacher has Taught me, there can be no learning and integration of that learning without our True Learning, Which is the Soul’s Learning.  This is something needed individually and has results collectively.  So, it’s not just learning from books’ pages or assimilation of the stories we hear that is needed to sustain qualities and, frankly, Living Realities, like Joy, Love, Peace and Kindness.  It is the Spiritual Actions that must take place for the Soul within each of us to be Free from that cycle of action and reaction.  For instance, making the simple, everyday, even mundane choices of life with a Loving Heart.  Or employing the powerful tool of Forgiveness.   Or choosing to attend a sacred Spiritual Event or Class at Cosmos Tree, my Teacher’s Meditation Studio in NYC.  These choices into Love break the cycle.  Break the wheel. 

Action and reaction.  War and return to war.  Strike and counterstrike.  Negativity and negativity.  Fear and fear.

How do we escape this cycle of action and reaction?  This cycle of negativity?  We don’t continue along in the next pull of the wheel into the next situations of the world.  We go “in” and “up” inside ourSelves, to the Soul within, and Identify there.  This experience is available as a Living Reality for Students on the Path Of Soul Transcendence, those Students formally studying with My Mediation Teacher.  When we are we are in the world but not of it, as my Meditation Teacher would say.  That is where I am and why I see things as I do.  Know things as I Know them.  It’s not me, it’s in all of us.  I’m just Attuned. 

In this world, my role is that of a mother.  Nurturing life and furthering growth is what I am devoted with each morning’s rise and each night’s fall.  However, my knowledge of how precious life is isn’t the reason I feel the pain of Ukraine’s invasion and occupation.  As a Student on the Path Of Soul Transcendence I Know, directly and through my experiences Meditating, that There is no “over there” or “them” or separation as it may appear with our physical senses.  I Know that what I do affects someone else, another Soul.  If I run negativity, anger, jealously, hurt, etc. then it affects others, even if I’m not intending that to be the case.  For we are all One.  Through my daily Meditation Practice, I have experienced repeatedly and become honed to the Knowing that are all made of the same Living “Material,” Which is Soul.  I feel it energetically, not emotionally and certainly not mentally.  It’s more of a simply Knowing.  Like a relaxation into the Soul, I let go of all and I Know I will be caught.  In that Surrender I have Learned the Reality that we are all made of the same Material, which is Love.  We are all Souls in bodies and the Soul’s Constitution is Oneness.

Therefore, I experience in that place of Oneness, this mass event that furthers suffering for the Souls involved in mySelf.  Any Choice away from Love is a Choice away from Soul.  And if we all are One, my brother’s Choice affects me.  No matter the perceived distance of continents, languages and cultures.

As my Beloved Meditation Teacher Teaches, if you really Knew, experientially, that we are One then how could you go against another?  How could mass attacks happen when you know that brother is your brother, in fact, he is you?  That child is your child?  In fact, that child is all our child.  I may not know you and I may not like you but I Love you and that is far more powerful than any illusion of differences.  “Nation shall not lift up sword against other nation.” Isaiah 2:4  This isn’t just to live by a biblical code.  It’s because we are all One.  And it is a Living Reality ripe for your experience should you choose It.

As we’re all One, therefore, there is no occupation or take over.  There is no dominance.  The only Win is that of the Soul’s total Knowledge and Choice into Spirit rather than into karma.

There is no separation in Soul. There’s only the One.  One Love.  And that One is One with God.  Not a God of religions, but God that is Love and is within you, living as you.  I’m not asking you to think your way into understanding that we each impact one another, like an ecosystem.  It’s far more intrinsic than that, far more holy, and far more comforting, like a balm.

That same God Alive inside of me – my Soul – is at One with That God inside of you.  For where did God hide Himself?  Where is the Great Power?  Within.  Meaning in you.  In me.

It takes the privilege and beauty of commencing and Allowing the great unknowing to Know this.  This Knowing is the Living, Vibrating Love that has been uncovered inside of me throught my Walking The Path of Soul Transcendence with My Beloved Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane.  The great Learning is Unlearning!  The Freedom from war and negativity is the Peace within.  This is not metaphor.  This is Reality and can be accessed by the Initiatory Process on The Path Of Soul Transcendence.

As my Beloved Teacher explained in His recent Satsang – which is Sanskrit for Spiritual Teaching – “How do we Celebrate our Oneness with God? … Separation only happens when we’ve created karma.  When we’ve created away from God, away from Spirit, we’ve created separate from That and, because we’re Powerful Creators, we get That separate back to us.  So it looks like we’re separate from God.  …”

“How would it be if everyone knew… yes, you are that Powerful? …How many can actually conquer ‘death?’  Because it’s done the other way, it’s done inside out.  It’s not done by conquering the world or dominating or anything else.”

“It’s done through the Process of Surrender, through the Initiatory Process.  Just the opposite of the world works. … This is opposite: Surrender, Surrender, Surrender to the Spirit you are. …Through the Initiatory Process, then you get to enter into Eternal Life.  You get to bypass the fiction of ‘death,’ that whole illusion. … Now is the time we really need to Honor That and that whole field of action has been cleared so that is can manifest.  So how do we Celebrate being with Spirit?  How do we Celebrate our Oneness?  We simply live it.”

And that’s what you’re invited to do.  Live the true Oneness.  Celebrate It.  Allow It.  Live It.  If you are interested in Knowing yourSelf and Attuning to the Soul within, then request Initiation into The Sound Current by contacting My Beloved Meditation Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, through the website or  Be in the Oneness inside yourSelf!  Know the Love and Peace and Joy of This radical step of Living in your own Inner Most Heart.

The Heart That is in all of us, as us.

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Love looks like many things but it is no thing.  God’s Child’s place in the delicate threading of the great Oversoul’s Loom.  Woven together our illusion of separateness becomes One.  Twine and diamonds, sweat and dirt, sea and land, tooth and ivory, guitar and chord.  Our Sound is one of Harmony and Attunement to the Grace that we already are.  It’s the sound of the boughs of the trees and running riverbeds.  Mary Oliver’s poem, “Wild Geese”, speaks of nature ever calling out, harshly announcing our place in the scheme of things.  Yet, while the poet speaks of nature and its holy inspiration, I speak of the True heritage and Divinity that we come from, our Wildness and Freedom given to us by Knowing the Father, God directly.  In each moment, whether you see a landscape of the metropolis city hustle or quiet blade of grass, no matter where you are, no matter who you are, there is always the trace of His Hand in our life, leading us within to where God resides.  Within ourSelves, is the True, great territory to ourSelves, the Wild within.  All this life, our aspirations, our landscapes, our loves, our losses, funnily enough, are actually a dream to arouse from.  The Father wakes us from the illusion of life – which is actually death – and establishes us in True Life, True Freedom.  This is the Call of The True Wild.

And here I am blessed beyond measure, now unfettered and free, having received and answered That Call.  I’ve been introduced to the Great Master and Received Initiation into the Sound Current on The Path of Soul Transcendence.  I do – what the world calls – Meditation and am Lifted to the highest Highs, Which are within.  Within me.  They also are with in you.  This Initiation and Meditation remove the layers of karma around the Soul and stokes the embers of Joy and Our True Nature.  I feel an aliveness intrinsic with Love, dancing like countryside sisters and brightly colored maypole ribbons.  Through The Path of Soul Transcendence we discover a child-like celebration on the inside of ourSelves.  A whole world within.  As we sit in this Meditation the Father unravels the knots of the pressured loom and the unfolding begins; we find ourselves awash in spring, rebirth colors splashing, while we are Satisfied with His Presence only. 

Our Joyful brush strokes in this life leave their marks yet in Knowing ourSelves as Spirit, and through our Kindnesses, our Integrity and our movement as an Awakened Soul on the planet the karmic record is erases.  The propulsion to be and do and say lessens and, eventually, disappears.  We sink into our True Self.  Our True Wild.  The Freedom eclipses us and we sail on a northward wind that is caught within. 

If you are interested in Knowing yourSelf and celebrating that Self as Soul, as Spirit, then request Initiation into The Sound Current by contacting My Beloved Meditation Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, through the website or  Take your first step – back to where you came from. Retracting your steps Home, as our Beloved Meditation Teacher says in the publication that we affectionately call The Red Book.  Through Initiation into the Sound Current we go back to Where we came from.  I am here to serve as a fellow walker for those who wish to do so.

In My Beloved Meditation Teacher’s most recent Satsang entitled, “Behind The Screen Of Anger” My Teacher describes this Process of the Soul’s having received Initiation into The Sound Current and Its Progression, “We’re all set up, we’re set up to be Lovers of God. … We know the overriding definition of Compassion is to be Who we are in the presence of others.  We need to Allow this Love, of the Spirit, of God, which is Who and What we are, to Flow. … It’s an Inner Way of Being That is projected onto the screen of Reality and is Reality. And we all need to do our part.  So the best Gift we can give anyone is to be at Our True Nature. And use anything along the negative pathway, the anger, the hurt, the fear, etc.. to Allow yourSelf to be moved to that Perfect Place of Loving where the Above is as the Below and where Inner Peace is and where the Eternal Now exists.  And it’s really that simple.”

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Giving is more than about a season or birthday.  Giving is more than the dollar you give to someone or the hand you lend by holding a door or helping someone with their groceries.  Volunteering your time and gifting your money is certainly a wonderful way to support others yet true Giving it more than even that.  It is more than an action and certainly more than a transaction.  True Giving is about the place inside of you in which you ‘reside’ when you move about in the world and give from that “place.”

When you come from Proper Identification knowing yourSelf as more than a body with emotions and thoughts – as a Soul, then you Give from that place you are truly Giving.  That experience is one of Knowing that your Giving is not outside of yourSelf and “to” the other person but rather the gift is inside of you because Love and Giving are inherent in our being as Souls.  My Meditation Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, Teaches that the movement in the world is just inspired by this and that there is no real mine, yours, give, get and there is no separation for we all are One.  That our true Reality of Souls we are all the same “material”.  That’s what separates giving from the perspective of the finite and limited reality from truly Giving from Abundance, overflow and being Present.  It is the Consciousness, the Focus and the Knowing that we are Soul and we are the Love that we Give.  For it all is Love.  

My Meditation Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, explains in greater detail in a Satsang (Spiritual Teaching) entitled, “Give – Then Give Some More,”.  “What we’re giving is the Spirit we are. But guess what? That Spirit is in all things. Spirit’s in you. It’s in me. It’s in all Souls. And It’s the Spirit of the Lord, God.  And give of That. …”  Dr. Lane says later in the same Satsang, “And I love Spiritual Mathematics and I love Spiritual Economics because they’re based on something real simple. They’re based on the Truth and the Truth of Spirit and That is that if I give you something, guess what? Spirit comes and fills and more than fills that place that was occupied by what I’ve given you. I can’t lose. …” An example of this is my experience of Giving a gift to a friend’s child and noticing that the gift left my experience of my wallet no thinner and, in fact, the joy I felt in my heart was so noticeable that I felt my capacity for love grow, as though I was actually “allotted” more Love in my life by the simple act of this gift. 

So when you Give you are Knowing your own Abundance.  Which is placing your Consciousness with God – and that you are supplied by the Spirit that you are.  You know you are limitless and move from the common ways of the world, like fear, lack, poverty, limitation, and into the generosity of Spirit.  Dr. Lane also Teaches that when we Give nothing is diminished in Spirit so it is not even a case of filling that space.  Dr. Lane’s most recent Satsang entitled “The Guru And The Beggar” describes this further, “Most of us, when we’re not Living Royally as The Spirit We are, we walk around separate from God, separate from Spirit and we buy into lack and limitation and effort, etc., etc.. So it seems so hard to get the dollar and even harder to get five dollars. … We have to beg for it. When the Truth is just as the Guru happily gave the beggar five dollars, God supplies and gives us whatever we need. That’s the Truth of Spirit. That’s the Truth of Spirit. … We need to give up and let go of being a beggar! Begging for Love, begging for attention, begging for affection, begging for anything. And know that we are Supplied and be at the God-point. Which is that we are Loved and cared about… And the simple Truth is that we are That Love and we are That Caring.”

So if we know that we are Soul, we are Spirit, we are Love, we are supply, we are that caring then we have nothing to get and everything to Give.  And that’s the true Gift. 

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While on vacation recently, my family and I stopped for lunch. Afterwards, as my husband proceeded to back out of the parking spot our eight-year old son noticed that my husband had looked left and right over his shoulders, but did not look into the screen that shows the image from our backup camera. Our son asked, “Dad, why don’t you use the back-up camera when going in reverse?”

My husband proceeded to explain that the backup camera wasn’t really necessary…that what was important was to look left and right. My husband then made a grand show of how proficient he is as a driver with dramatic looks to the right and left.

Five minutes later we stopped at a gas station to fill up. It was a small station and, once the tank was full, my husband had to go in reverse in order to leave the pump station. No sooner had he put it in reverse than we heard a “BOOM!” As my husband twisted left and right to look over his shoulders, he had failed to see what was directly behind him, which was perfectly visible in the backup camera view and had swiftly backed up into a large concrete post. Though minor, the accident had caused $1,700 worth of damage to the rear of the vehicle and gave us all quite a start!

I walked away from this experience with a profound sense of amazement of the Wonder and Love of the Lord, God. I Know through my own direct experience and through the gentle Guidance of My Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, that Spirit lives in me as me – and lives in each one of us as us. We are One. And when one is Present with the Spirit within, as Dr. Lane has described, “Spirit goes ahead and answers our needs and gives us our needs and supplies us and all we have to do is listen. … Spirit anticipates us, our movement through time and space and runs out ahead and all we have to do is be open and receive.” [Tools for Living Free # 42 “Learning To Listen to YourSelf”]

Had my husband been open to the beautiful, innocent inquiry of our child (of Spirit) perhaps he would have used that as a reminder to look right, left AND center when backing out of a parking spot and could have avoided an accident. For me, it was such a wonderful reminder from Spirit that the Love and Support of the Lord, God emanates within me and is all around me. That I can use every opportunity in this physical life – even a child’s simple question – to Educate myself and Hear Spirit.

Borrowing from My Blessed Teacher, below is a Step-by-Step one can do to assist with the daily practice of Focusing into the Spirit you are. I highly recommend following along:

  1. Call in the Light of the Most High by saying, “Lord, God, send me Your Light!”
  2. Get quiet and say inside yourself, “Lord, God for the Highest Good take my agenda, my hurt and my pain!”
  3. Tell yourself, “(your name), it’s okay to let it go!”
  4. Ask God to Bless whatever situation with which you are dealing by saying, “Lord, God for the Highest Good take care of this situation for me!”
  5. Attend Meditations Of The Light Of The Most High at any Regional Center.
  6. Request the Gift of Initiation and learn to really listen to the Spirit you are.

[Tools for Living Free # 42 “Learning To Listen to YourSelf”]

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As a consultant, I have a client who for many months had complained to me about someone with whom she works, explaining that he was getting credit for work that the client had done. And she railed against this person.

Part of the upset that she had chosen to create was that this person had won an award! An award for work that she had done!

After hearing this story a few times, I said, “Stop competing! Just do your best.”

It was all quiet on the western front (she works in the western part of the U.S.) from that time on. I never heard another competitive complaint. It was done, gone from our work-related conversations, which we continued to have.

Then, one day not long ago, she happened to mention to me that she had won an award and how surprised she was. The company that she works for had selected her for one of their key honors; in this case, for innovations in software design.

In the conversation, she seemed to have forgotten entirely about “competing.” The focus seemed to be on the work she was doing.

I was reminded of this the other day when I shared with Dr. Lane, the Founder and Director of Cosmos Tree, Who is My Spiritual Teacher, that, up until now, I have been competing. I have been very competitive. Dr. Lane immediately asked me What The Teachings that My Teacher Brings Forth say about competing. My initial response was that it separates me out from Spirit; that it blocks the Flow. My Teacher reminded me that it separates me out from all Souls, from the Oneness of the Spirit that we are. That I automatically lose.

As Dr. Lane explains in the Talk titled “Equality And Equity In The Sound Current” (#A290), “Equality is everyone is equal. Everyone is regarded equally, created equally, etc. … So somehow there’s this whole competitiveness: a beats b, b beats c, etc., etc. And it’s one against the other … What are we doing but practicing false identification? In the Sound Current there’s only our True Identification and That is as Spirit and as Spirit we’re all equal. …”

Let me give you another example! The other day I went to Queens, one of the five boroughs of New York City. I live in another borough, Manhattan, and I went to Queens to visit an art studio where I had scheduled a ceramics lesson.

Almost immediately upon entering the studio I realized that a competitive pattern was coming up inside of me and I immediately let it go. I just let it go. I didn’t feed it. I stayed open and I made it the Priority to be “empty” inside, to be clear.

Much of the time, I dropped the negativity the instant it came up; dropped it, dropped it, dropped it. While I don’t remember exactly as of this writing, I likely also used the Two-Part Release Technique by calling in the Light Of the Most High, “Lord, God send me Your Light!” Then: “Lord, God for the Highest Good please take this negativity/separation from Spirit/competitiveness from me!” And I told mySelf “it’s OK to let I go!” And I let it go.

When it came up again, I let it go again. 

Then I noticed something. My instructor, with whom I had taken multiple lessons prior to this one, seemed unusually joyous; “what a wonderful day to be in the studio!” she said. Prior to this, she might have easily complained about something; the colder weather, for instance. Then, after the lesson, when I was about to pay, she kindly waived me away. “We can take care of that the next time!” Very unusual.

I vaguely recalled as I left that she had apologized to me shortly after I had arrived for misunderstanding what we had agreed to work on that day. And that I had simply suggested that we do something else, which we did. I didn’t care at all.  

I also realized re: the competitiveness that I had dropped and dropped and dropped again – that in a studio visit prior to this one I had run a thought and that that thought was pure competitiveness; it was along the lines of  how much better “Manhattan” is than Queens, it was a “status” thing. In looking back on that visit, I realized, too, that everyone there had picked up on that. The openness and joyousness and helpfulness that was all around me this most recent time was absent. I had cut that off. I had created negativity inside mySelf, which is contagious. That negativity is also karma, for which I am responsible.

I offer here, too, that the other Important Help that I received from My Teacher was special Homework that I was doing during this visit. This Homework was to write down the moment I am competitive and then to list the alternative I chose.

That alternative – to do the Inner Work by Surrendering the separation between mySelf and the Spirit I am – and, as a result, to be open and “empty” inside mySelf – was the cure.

And, as I was further reminded by My Teacher during a recent The Teachings Study Group, negativity is to be used as a springboard to Focus into the Positive, into Spirit! To be Present. On that visit, I let go and let go and let go but I did not use the negativity to Be Present. I also needed to consistently reFocus into Spirit! Re-Focus into Spirit!

That’s the Key.   

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Recently, I was invited to interview for a job for which I had applied. Before making the decision to go to the interview I was immediately plagued by worry about all the things that could go wrong if I were offered the position. I turned Inward to the Spirit I am to seek direction and didn’t hear what I thought was a definitive answer.

I mentioned to a friend of mine and fellow Initiate Of The Sound Current the situation and told this person that I was confused over whether or not this job was “the job” for me. My friend advised me to stay Present and not worry about a future dilemma of taking or not taking a job.  Instead, my friend suggested I simply ask Spirit for guidance on accepting the interview.

Our Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, often instructs Students on the importance of “Being Present”, Which, according to Dr. Lane in the powerful book, The Money Workbook that is authored by Dr. Lane, being Present means, “To live in the moment … to be present with all that is happening, self-contained in the fullness of your being.” While I have studied That Teaching for many years, I don’t think I fully understood what It meant until the conversation with my friend. Somehow, I had equated “Being Present” as meaning “Loving the Lord, God” (which I do!) but had, up until the conversation, completely left off the part of Its meaning where I STAY PRESENT – in the moment. As Dr. Lane says, “There is no place for worry, or concern, for regrets and second-guessing [in the Present].”

I chose then to GET PRESENT by letting go of all the worry surrounding having this particular job. I did this with the Two-Part Release Technique That Dr. Lane Teaches by first calling in the Light Of The Most High by saying “Lord, God, for the Highest Good, send me Your Light!” I then asked the Lord, God to, “please take from me all worry, concern, and fear I may have around the job!” Finally, I told mySelf to let it go by saying, “(my name), let it ALL go!”

After Focusing mySelf into the Present, I sat silently with the question, “Lord, God, is it for the Highest Good for me to go on the interview?” The answer I quickly received was, “Yes!”

With that direction, I went on the interview and I had a wonderful time! It was fun meeting other industry professionals and, through the experience of talking about the work I do, I was reminded about the many talents and abilities I have. Cool!

By releasing the worry that I had chosen to take on around the job, it freed me to not only be fully myself during the interview but also has allowed me to be free of the concern for the outcome. Whether I receive an offer or not is no longer important. What is important is staying Focused in this moment for I know that Spirit directs me if and when direction is needed. Staying Focused ‘in this moment’, also gives me the Opportunity to approach every person and situation in my life with Neutrality, Compassion, and Love.

This way of Being – being Present with the Spirit I am – is What Dr. Lane calls, “Giraffe Consciousness.” As a giraffe keeps its head high and eats from the top of a leafy tree, I too keep my Focus “high” on Spirit (at the Upper Part of the Third Eye). When we go through life with “Giraffe Consciousness” the only thing to be done is to direct our Focus into Spirit Where we Know that all that happens to oneSelf is Spiritually Correct, resulting in an attitude of Neutrality towards all.

After the interview I finally spoke to My Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, about the seemingly “silence” I had received from Spirit. Dr. Lane instructed me that the Lord, God always directlyhears Initiates Of The Sound Current and my questions and prayers are answered. The “silence” was my answer – to just keep doing what I was doing (and not make a change). And so, I am!

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According to the Teachings Of The Path Of Soul Transcendence that Dr. Lane, the Founder/Director of Cosmos Tree and Center For Religion And Advanced Spiritual Studies (CRASS), Brings Forth, when jealousy comes up inside of me it’s a sign that I falsely believe that someone else has something that I can’t have.

The antidote, according to the Teachings, is to give whatever that is to mySelf inside mySelf. Then, once I have done that – evaluate it to see if I really prefer to give whatever that is to mySelf outwardly – as Dr. Lane explained to me, “that takes care of it.”

Let me give you a recent example! Not long ago, jealousy came up for me when some friends started talking about a fancy vacation they had just taken. Afterwards, I worked it inside mySelf by simply giving that fancy vacation to mySelf inwardly. I made it OK to spend the money; to take that time off from work. As someone who rarely travels for leisure, I made it OK to just do it!  

As an Initiate On The Path Of Soul Transcendence constantly Educated by Dr. Lane, My Spiritual Teacher, I knew that jealousy had an Antidote and it was to give whatever that is to mySelf. While writing this blog, though, I received much-needed Clarification from Dr. Lane. The Antidote is to give this to mySelf inside mySelf. It’s not simply giving whatever that “thing in the world” is to mySelf outwardly – minus the Inner Work. And examining it afterwards is an important part, too.

There’s something else that I’ve discovered about inwardly giving mySelf these “things” or something similar to them and it’s this: the more I give these “things of the world” to mySelf, the more I find out that I don’t want them. It’s rare, indeed, that I actually prefer something once I do the Inner Giving and then examine it.

Take that fancy vacation, for example. Once I did the Inner Giving, I researched fancy spas, including the one in question and I looked at possible dates to go there, etc.  Then, whoa, nelly! I discovered that I had no interest whatsoever in taking a fancy spa vacation. I realized that as a solo traveler I prefer trips that involve actually doing something more than taking a yoga class or going to the beach; say, writing an article about the trip – circumstances where I have instant access to people and something to do that is already kind of set up for me. I also recalled that I had actually been to the fancy spa in question many years ago and, even though it had been given an upgrade, I didn’t see any reason to go again.         

There’s another Powerful Antidote to jealousy: the Two-Part Release Technique. I recently used It when jealousy came up in a different way – it was directed at a person. In this instance, I falsely believed that someone was getting more attention than I was. I also recognized this as a familiar pattern; it doesn’t much matter if the outer circumstance is work-related or involves the Service I do for Cosmos Tree/CRASS.

I applied the Two-Part Release by Calling in the Light Of The Most High like this: “Lord, God, send me Your Light!”. Then saying inside mySelf: “For the Highest Good Lord, God, please take any jealousy I have of [fill in the person’s name]! And I tell mySelf “(my name) it’s OK to let it go!” I let it go and I do it as needed.

Finally, re: the first example and its Antidote, that much-needed Clarification from Dr. Lane was crucial. I received It by choosing to place mySelf in the Presence of the Teacher, a Gigantic Opportunity That I recommend to all those reading this! You can do This by calling in for Open Hour, the time each week when Dr. Lane is available to all for Spiritual Counseling; attending a Meditation Of The Light Of The Most High in-person at the Cosmos Tree/CRASS Home Center; and/or by requesting a private session with Dr. Lane. This crucial Clarification reinforced for me that giving inwardly to mySelf is the way I need to work everything. It’s all Inner Giving.  

As for the Two-Part Release, it was My Teacher Who Instructed me to remind mySelf to do this Process by writing it on an index card and placing that card where I can easily see it. As a result, I’ve been doing It every day.

What an Opportunity to Learn, let go and live more freely!

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I had an experience recently that’s I’d like to share with you!

It’s this: Someone asked me if I would please handle a project for them and I immediately agreed to do that. I didn’t think about it; I just said “yes, of course!”

Then, as the project moved forward and I contacted the necessary people to work on it, things happened. The first round of work on it was, basically, “a disaster”. The company chosen to do the work, it turned out, was foundering and promises made were not promises kept.

If I were working this “outwardly”, I’d say there were “problems”. As an Initiate Of The Sound Current On The Path Of Soul Transcendence, I knew better. As My Teacher Teaches, there are no “problems” in Spirit – just Opportunities to Lift and Grow!

I Knew These are Opportunities to be Neutral and to “keep my eye on the prize”, so to speak, which was on Solutions, the next step in the moment that that step was needed. I could have just “walked off” and turned it back over to the person who had requested my assistance. Instead, I chose to proceed because I Knew I had agreed to handle it and I was responsible. No matter what came up.

Yes, I had a “moment” every now and then when negativity came up. At one point I had wanted to be paid even though this was a Service Project for my Growth and Upliftment. “Boy! this is a lot of work now!” Instead, I focused on solutions. On the Responsibility. On being Neutral.

I also thanked mySelf inside mySelf and that took care of it 1-2-3!

In private sessions and Open Hours with My Teacher, I discovered that all this stuff that needed to be done on the project – this needed fixing; that needed fixing; that needed to redone, etc. – wasn’t some “plot” against me. It was just everyday stuff in the world. No more, no less. So I continued to focus on Solutions. I also didn’t focus on how much I was doing, which I’ve done, up until now. Just next steps as needed.  

I also committed the “time” that was needed – without the usual “oh my goodness! How am I going to get the regular work I do ‘in the world’ done when I’m stopping to do this!” I just did whatever needed to be done – be it traveling to meet with someone working on the project or making phone calls or going over the various stages of work. I just did it.

I also gave up expectations. I could have said ‘oh, how come this is taking three months when I thought it would be only two weeks?” None of that. I just stayed in the moment with the solutions as they came up for me, which was always in the moment when they were needed. The word that comes to me now to describe how I handled this was mature. I acted like mature adults need to act.

My Teacher explained something else to me that was profound, potentially life-changing and oh! so simple, too. I had noticed that the two people that I had begun to work with on the project weren’t focused on solutions; I was the one who always stayed There. Let’s do this! Let’s do that! And things moved forward.

My Teacher told me this: that when people are all caught up with each other nothing gets done. Boy! is that true! When I’m caught, for instance, on what someone else has said to me or how they’ve reacted, nothing happens. We’re at a standstill in our relationship, including anything that we’re working on together, too. Projects stall. So it goes that the two people I had brought in to work on the project focused on the reactions of the other.

I was the one who said ‘let’s do this! Let’s do that!’ And there was movement. There was progress.

Of course, from the get-go I put the project into the Light Of The Most High and, as it proceeded, I refined what I preferred and put that into the Light, too. And I got help from My Teacher when I needed it by calling in for Open Hour, having private sessions, etc.

Also, I did have anxiety at times as deadlines neared. ‘Would they be met?’ ‘Oh my goodness! what if this happens or that! And I’m responsible! How will that affect the person for whom I agreed to do this?’

I just focused on solutions. What I learned is that as I stay in the Love and work with the Light, I receive what is needed for the Highest Good.

When something came up and more time was needed on the Project, I requested and was given more time by My Teacher. I experienced these extensions as Loving – as Love in Action.   

And they were given with so much Love because I was Loving towards mySelf.

Finally, to another kernel that is with me daily: I was having fun! Just having fun! Early on, when I discussed the project with My Teacher, My Teacher said, “you’re having fun!”

At that time, I reached for an excuse as if having fun wasn’t OK. That excuse was ‘oh, yes, the overall area of work that the project’s in is an area I’ve worked in so, of course, I’m interested.”

Now though, I Know I was having fun because I chose to be Neutral. As My Teacher Teaches, “there are no ‘problems’ in Spirit.” The fun is inside!

So, when the project ended I shared with My Teacher that I had been Neutral. And that I had used this Marvelous Opportunity to grow in my ability to do That! And, I add here, to be responsible.

I had agreed to this and I stayed within that agreement. Period.

Then I received another big Learning from My Teacher: “The Neutrality is the fun,” My Teacher explained to me.

“The Neutrality is the Fun!”

Boy! is it!   

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