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Listening To Spirit

While on vacation recently, my family and I stopped for lunch. Afterwards, as my husband proceeded to back out of the parking spot our eight-year old son noticed that my husband had looked left and right over his shoulders, but did not look into the screen that shows the image from our backup camera. Our son asked, “Dad, why don’t you use the back-up camera when going in reverse?”

My husband proceeded to explain that the backup camera wasn’t really necessary…that what was important was to look left and right. My husband then made a grand show of how proficient he is as a driver with dramatic looks to the right and left.

Five minutes later we stopped at a gas station to fill up. It was a small station and, once the tank was full, my husband had to go in reverse in order to leave the pump station. No sooner had he put it in reverse than we heard a “BOOM!” As my husband twisted left and right to look over his shoulders, he had failed to see what was directly behind him, which was perfectly visible in the backup camera view and had swiftly backed up into a large concrete post. Though minor, the accident had caused $1,700 worth of damage to the rear of the vehicle and gave us all quite a start!

I walked away from this experience with a profound sense of amazement of the Wonder and Love of the Lord, God. I Know through my own direct experience and through the gentle Guidance of My Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, that Spirit lives in me as me – and lives in each one of us as us. We are One. And when one is Present with the Spirit within, as Dr. Lane has described, “Spirit goes ahead and answers our needs and gives us our needs and supplies us and all we have to do is listen. … Spirit anticipates us, our movement through time and space and runs out ahead and all we have to do is be open and receive.” [Tools for Living Free # 42 “Learning To Listen to YourSelf”]

Had my husband been open to the beautiful, innocent inquiry of our child (of Spirit) perhaps he would have used that as a reminder to look right, left AND center when backing out of a parking spot and could have avoided an accident. For me, it was such a wonderful reminder from Spirit that the Love and Support of the Lord, God emanates within me and is all around me. That I can use every opportunity in this physical life – even a child’s simple question – to Educate myself and Hear Spirit.

Borrowing from My Blessed Teacher, below is a Step-by-Step one can do to assist with the daily practice of Focusing into the Spirit you are. I highly recommend following along:

  1. Call in the Light of the Most High by saying, “Lord, God, send me Your Light!”
  2. Get quiet and say inside yourself, “Lord, God for the Highest Good take my agenda, my hurt and my pain!”
  3. Tell yourself, “(your name), it’s okay to let it go!”
  4. Ask God to Bless whatever situation with which you are dealing by saying, “Lord, God for the Highest Good take care of this situation for me!”
  5. Attend Meditations Of The Light Of The Most High at any Regional Center.
  6. Request the Gift of Initiation and learn to really listen to the Spirit you are.

[Tools for Living Free # 42 “Learning To Listen to YourSelf”]

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