
Taking A Pass On A Class? READ THIS FIRST!

As a Loving Service at the Center For Religion And Advanced Spiritual Studies, each semester I follow up with my Fellow Initiates Of The Sound Current On The Path Of Soul Transcendence to enCourage Them to take the Class that is being Lovingly offered and Taught each semester by Our BeLoved Teacher. These Classes are Sacred Opportunities for us to Lift and to Grow. This Outreach is also a Sacred Opportunity for Growth Lovingly offered to me by My Teacher.

While doing this Sacred Outreach this weekend, I spoke to a Fellow Initiate who told me that he was not taking the Class. When I asked why, he told me that he was going on vacation. I then asked the usual questions – when are you leaving? When are you returning?, etc. – to see if the Class was at all possible. But, of course, as I’ve Learned from doing this Sacred and Beautiful Service for a long time, everything is possible in Spirit. Give mySelf a Class or other Offering and everything is handled.

And when we are Present with Spirit – Loving God – there is no “time and space.” “Time and space” is, of course, a dead giveaway that One is being run amok by one’s basic selves.  

I love this Initiate dearly so I stopped in my Spiritual Tracks when this BeLoved Initiate told me his “excuses” for creating separation with the Spirit we are and I stayed on the phone in order to make some Loving suggestions.

I know from my own experience how easy it is for “resistance” to come up and for me to identify with it when an Offering is made available! Boy! Do I! And how easy it is to go with it as if it’s real, which, of course, it’s not! All that negativity is coming up to be cleared – a Gift of Grace – and my job is to be Present. Also, if I choose to go with it and to persist in it, I create karma. In addition, I know from My Teacher that Offerings are for the Highest Good of All  so doing the Inner Work is key for me whenever an Offering is made available by My Teacher. This Inner Work is a key part of my Spiritual Practice; and doing It as Taught is my Choice to Participate in the Opportunity Given by My Teacher/The Lord, God for even greater Growth and Upliftment!

So here’s what I did recently when an Offering was made available (in addition to a Class, this may be a Service Project; RETREAT; Event; Program at the Center, etc.) and resistance came up:

1. I did the Two-Part Release Technique a few times and I let go; 2. I reassured my basics that we are okay; everything is fine now; 3. I directed my basics into the action (the Offering) and made sure to use the Four Rules of Self-Talk (enCouragement is crucial!); 4. I became Present by Chanting my Tones. I Allowed the next step(s) and followed up as needed;

This BeLoved Fellow Initiate was “caught” where I often am, up until now – in the right/wrong, the this way/that way/categorization of “duality” that my basics just love! Of course, we all need to “get in there” right away when these once-in-a-lifetime Opportunities arise and update our basics; tell them we are fine and OK now; and ask them to to support us in taking/signing up for this Class or other Offering now; and we need to then thank our basics and tell them to keep up the good work supporting us in This.

The immediate result of a few minutes of Inner Work (#1 through #4 above) was Inner Excitement and being Moved/Led. All with a minute or so of Inner Work! Without any outer “reason” wecan always Co-Create with Spirit by asking the Lord, God for what you prefer; for instance, to take the Class and have doing so made easy and effortless, including any phone connections, etc.

As I am about to put this blog to bed – or rather, send It to My BeLoved Teacher as a Sacred Opportunity Given to me by My Teacher to “mega Lift” – I recall a conversation I just had the other day with a Fellow Initiate that I dearly Love. This FI told me – with some anger/resentment – that this Fellow Initiate was not attending a Sacred Event Offered by Our Teacher as an Opportunity to mega-Lift.

She needed to get in there right away and talk to her basics and follow the other above-recommended steps.

And, like all of us, to take advantage of each and every Sacred Opportunity given to us by Our Teacher – while we can.

This is my wish for you.

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