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“Surrender What? Surrender Your Agenda!”

A Fellow Student Who attends many Cosmos Tree Events wrote some brilliant rap lyrics that many of us at Cosmos Tree regularly sing out loud as reminders of a Key Teaching brought forward by Dr. Lane, the Founder and Director of Cosmos Tree. These brilliant and catchy rap lyrics are “Surrender What? Surrender Your Agenda!…

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Feeling “Overwhelmed”? Do Self-Talk!

I was recently feeling “overwhelmed”. And were it not for the Solution – the Cure – that was given to me by Dr. Lane, the Founder/Director of Cosmos Tree and My Spiritual Teacher, I might still be allowing this negativity, which affects me and others as well. I share this Loving Solution with you now!…

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Dealing With Death

Two of my family members from the same extended family unit passed away this year. Both “deaths” left many of my remaining family members feeling sad, confused and angry… Searching for a sense of understanding about these occurrences, I turned to my Spiritual Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, and His Enlightened Talk #A210 “’Death’ And…


Taking A Pass On A Class? READ THIS FIRST!

As a Loving Service at the Center For Religion And Advanced Spiritual Studies, each semester I follow up with my Fellow Initiates Of The Sound Current On The Path Of Soul Transcendence to enCourage Them to take the Class that is being Lovingly offered and Taught each semester by Our BeLoved Teacher. These Classes are…

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Are You Playing The “Numberless Game”? If Not, Start Now!

In the Video/DVD entitled “The ‘False Self vs. True Self’Game” from the Series “Understanding The Spirit You Are” by Dr. Roger B. Lane, the Founder/Director of Cosmos Tree and My Spiritual Teacher, Dr. Lane says: “We may find ourSelves doing what I call the numberless game which is there are 99 people who do this…


How To Lift Above Blame

Cosmos Tree, through its Programs, Events, and Web site, offers a wealth of Resources to assist one to Lift above life’s “challenges”, which according to the Teachings brought forth by Dr. Roger B. Lane, Cosmos Tree Founder/Director and Spiritual Teacher, “challenges” are really Opportunities to Lift and Grow as the Spirit we are!  I recently had…