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Advice Ain’t Nice

We stream YouTube channels for advice.  At our digital fingertips are Emily Post guidance for every situation.  Have a question?  Not to worry; answers are awaiting you from the moment you wake-up and switch on!  We have our daily predicting astrology columns.  Our op ed contributors.  Our inspiring preachers.  Our ever-beloved teachers.  Our follow-the-leaders.  Our…



What is this magical, seemingly disaster-full, masterful jungle of experiences that we call life?  Why are we here and how do we make it easy?  Is there a short cut through the wilds? Sometimes life with all its complications feels like an uphill route through thick overgrowth with a machete and desperately sweating hope as…

Living in an Everyday World With The Coronavirus – A Spiritual Approach – Part II, Helping Others

         As the coronavirus has spread around the world, I’ve made an important discovery. I’ve discovered that when I help others – not to “get” anything, etc. – by allowing mySelf to be Moved there as a Natural Process, I feel great; I feel healthy; sometimes I feel excited, too. I feel Loved and Cared…

Living in an Everyday World Where The Coronavirus Is Spreading – A Spiritual Approach

Dr. Lane’s most recent Satsang – the March 2020 Talk (MP3 A271 on cosmostree.org) – was rare in that It was “A Rare Question-And-Answer Satsang” by Title. While the questions were excellent one about the coronavirus, now spreading around the world, stands out. In a nutshell, the questioner asked how much are we protected and…


Mental Exercises Or Simple Solutions? It’s Up To You

One of my two favorite Talks given by Dr. Roger B. Lane, the Founder/Director of Cosmos Tree, is titled “The Story Of The Tuna Fish Sandwich”. What I love so much is that It’s all about the Simple Solutions. The example given by Dr. Lane in this Talk of Spiritual Instruction “is based on something…

Scheduling As A Weapon – How To Schedule Spiritually

I used to work as a journalist; and in that role I had often thought about writing an article titled “scheduling as a weapon” because my observation was and is that people use their calendars to avoid Responsibility as if they didn’t create those schedules to begin with, as if those schedules have power over…