Be The Best Parent You Can Be By Knowing Your True Role As A Parent!

In the Fall of 2008, I began participating in Cosmos Tree Meditations and studying with Founder and Director, Dr. Roger B. Lane. At the time, I was married but did not have any children. I had no idea how much I did not know about mySelf or about being a parent. Before having children, I…

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Need to change a Habit or Habits 1-2-3? Work It Spiritually!

At Cosmos Tree, “learning to change behavior patterns that no longer work for you” is at the core of Its most popular Class. Called Everyday Evolution, the Class is taught by Cosmos Tree Founder/Director Dr. Lane. Dr. Lane has also stated that when individuals come to Dr. Lane for help in their lives, which is…


The Truth About Holiday Stress – and What You Can Do About It!

As the holidays approach I am starting to have those familiar warm and happy feelings about my life and my family. I picture myself celebrating with loved ones, wearing a cozy knitted sweater, opening gifts, baking fun new recipes and sipping peppermint hot cocoa while listening to holiday-infused jazz. Something about thinking of the”future” is…


Old Love

It is almost embarrassing to fall in love as I approach 40 years of age. We’re grown ups and yet these days our eyes see color more vividly; words from each other’s lips have a deep meaning and impact in our swelling hearts; we lounge with greater gratitude for the moments in repose together and…


Want to Know How to Really Celebrate Thanksgiving? Listen to the Meditation Of Gratitude!

For many people, the holiday of Thanksgiving has to do with saying “thank you” or “giving thanks.” But as a longtime Student of Dr. Lane, the Founder and Director of Cosmos Tree, I know that it is really Gratitude that is one of the most important Teachings that Dr. Lane brings forward. It is One…

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How To Find The Time To Give YourSelf The Gift Of Meditation

I am a parent of three young ones and I Meditate. Everyday. For hours. The reaction I most get is, “How do you find the TIME!?!” How does one “find the time” for anything, really? Parenting, marriage, friendship, Service and Meditation – for me it boils down to Commitment. I “find the time” because I…