Why Meditate?

When people learn that I have a devoted, daily Meditation practice they look at me with an expression that melds interest, desire, repulsion and recognition. It is like they are shocked because, after all, I look so normal. How could someone Spiritual be shopping at Barney’s New York and be jovial at cocktail parties? I’m often quizzed about this ancient art and am asked again and again, “Why Meditate?”

Does Your Child Look Like You?: Appearance and True Identity

The question I most often get as a parent, from friends, family members and strangers alike, is, “whom do you think your child looks like?” By that I think they mean, “Is your child a physical copy of you or your husband?”

Visually speaking, I don’t think my children look like copies of anyone; they just look like themselves. More importantly, I know through The Teachings brought forth by Dr. Roger B. Lane that the True Focus on this Earth is not an outer one, but is an Inner One.

My Best Friend

From a very young age, I was blessed with tender and hilarious friendships that have enriched my world to such a large degree that life changed course with my gravitational pull shifting to curve itself around these dynamic babes. We shared tandem experiences; shot through our learning curve with a matched ferocity and joie de vivre; embraced exotic lands; enjoyed love’s sweet blossom in our hearts; expanded and expressed our talents in careers that featured our strengths and tested us; entered into motherhood with wide-eyed amazement and love-defining moments that ripened us to our core and celebrated each other along the way with laughing hearts.

Word To The Mother

When I was in high school I rarely connected sex to making babies or growing the heritage of families. Likely, because I was a baby myself. Fierce, frisky and a wild child I thought of pregnancy as an unfortunate side effect that could strike down even the bravest and boldest of us Generation Y-ers. Very similar to how I might accidentally ding my rearview taillight while reversing in the high school parking lot post-track meet. I was cavalier to such a point that my blasé approach to conception-free sex was how I thought the biological system worked. I figured that the world was made for enjoyment and playfulness. At least that’s how my petri-dish, microcosm snapshot of life appeared. My existence was filled with young love, laughter and exploration. This was compounded by my rapidly maturing body and an immature teenage frontal lobe.

Why is Cosmos Tree’s Focus on Our Learning Responsibility? And Why is Responsibility so much FUN?

Roger B. Lane, Ph.D., the Founder and Director of Cosmos Tree, teaches Responsibility. It is defined by Dr. Lane as “The ability to respond to the Spirit we are.” That means focusing into Spirit/Being Present by doing just That. And, as this writer has discovered after many years of study with Dr. Lane, Responsibility equals Freedom.

How To Find Love: Love From A Spiritual Perspective

You entertain the question mark inside you that punctuates, “How do I find love?” Maybe the latest dating app will offer a new forte of handsome suitors and amid that dapper crowd one single, perfect gentleman will sweep you off your feet. Maybe there’s a cute surfer boy living next door whose path you’ve never crossed before on his early morning barefoot walk down to the beach. Maybe the crush you had on a co-worker will come to sweet, suit and pocket square fruition when the autumn leaves start to turn.

Need to change a Habit or Habits 1-2-3? Work It Spiritually!

At Cosmos Tree, “learning to change behavior patterns that no longer work for you” is at the core of Its most popular Class. Called Everyday Evolution, the Class is taught by Cosmos Tree Founder/Director Dr. Lane. Dr. Lane has also stated that when individuals come to Dr. Lane for help in their lives, which is often, the remedy frequently comes down to a simple behavioral change.

Here’s a 9-step program to help you do that:

The Truth About Holiday Stress – and What You Can Do About It!

As the holidays approach I am starting to have those familiar warm and happy feelings about my life and my family. I picture myself celebrating with loved ones, wearing a cozy knitted sweater, opening gifts, baking fun new recipes and sipping peppermint hot cocoa while listening to holiday-infused jazz. Something about thinking of the”future” is comforting. I do so especially towards the end of the summer when I need to cope with the imminent change of temperature and choose to focus on the “happy things” that happen during the winter. I also have done it out of habit. My mind is just used to doing that. This reminds me of something the Founder and Director of Cosmos Tree, Dr. Roger B. Lane, talks about in The Money Workbook: that we are so habituated in living in the “future” that we don’t enjoy it when it finally arrives because we have moved onto the next thing in the “future”.

Old Love

It is almost embarrassing to fall in love as I approach 40 years of age. We’re grown ups and yet these days our eyes see color more vividly; words from each other’s lips have a deep meaning and impact in our swelling hearts; we lounge with greater gratitude for the moments in repose together and relish in every breath that the other takes. Turns out it was more than a summer romance and being in love can indeed make the most modest of beds feel palatial by virtue of being nestled in each other’s arms. Falling in love makes ordinary sighs, kisses and nuzzles feel like brushes with heaven’s own Aphrodite.

Thanksgiving Gratitude

As a child, I remember the holidays being magical. There was the turkey; pumpkin pie; fancy dresses; loads of relatives; eating, eating and eating! As an adult, my experience of the holidays has been not that magical. There’s the turkey (to cook!); the pumpkin pie (calories!); dressing my own squirming children in fancy clothes (so many tiny buttons!); loads of relatives (making a mess at my house!) and all that eating, eating and more eating!