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How To Find The Time To Give YourSelf The Gift Of Meditation

I am a parent of three young ones and I Meditate. Everyday. For hours. The reaction I most get is, “How do you find the TIME!?!” How does one “find the time” for anything, really? Parenting, marriage, friendship, Service and Meditation – for me it boils down to Commitment. I “find the time” because I…

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How Do I Let Go Of Stress? … Follow These Instructions!

Before answering the question, how do I let go of stress? let’s answer the question, what is stress? Dr. Lane, the Founder/Director of Cosmos Tree, has often explained that stress is negativity that is “outside of us” that we have chosen to take “inside” of us. So stress is a choice.

What is the Meditation For Health And Well-Being?

One question that Cosmos Tree representatives often receive is, “Do you have a Guided Meditation?” This expresses the wish to participate in a Meditation “where all I have to do is show up and follow the instructions as the Meditation goes along.” In other words, “Is it easy?” Yes, the Meditation For Health And Well-Being, Lovingly…