Are You Making A Decision For Someone Else? It’s Time To Stop.

In the November 2022 Satsang Given by My Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, Who is also the Founder/Director of Cosmos Tree and Center For Religion And Advanced Spiritual Studies (CRASS) and the Dean of Its Magnificent Seminary, My Teacher shared the following, which is excerpted from the January/February/March 2023 Issue of SpiritCentral, theCosmos Tree/CRASS Newsletter:

“Our Teacher then shared another example, that of ‘making a decision for someone else … this person wanted to do “x, y and z” but was afraid to bring it up to her husband and so she didn’t do “x, y and z” … She had given over her power. She was disrespectful to herSelf. She was disrespectful to her husband and when she shared it with her husband … the response was ‘I don’t even know I would have said “no”. …’”

The other day, I was contacting some clients to share something business-wise:  my company enters companies and/or their executives for awards. I was suggesting to some clients who had signed up for a particular award that I now believe another award is more beneficial for a number of reasons, one of which is that I believe they have a better or slightly better chance of winning. This suggested “shift” sometimes happens after I’ve spent time researching a company and can then make a more “educated” decision re: the best awards “fit” for them. In this case, the shift also made things easier for me deadline-wise. It was, as they say, “a win-win”.

Yet, I was somehow choosing away from sharing this information with one particular client so he could decide: the old award or this newly suggested one?

Instead, I started to concoct a story inside mySelf re: what would happen if I did call; for instance, that making the shift would be a “real song and dance” in terms of getting final approval on it.

Then, I stopped and asked mySelf, “what do The Teachings say about this?” And I immediately “got” that “making a decision for someone else” goes against The Teachings.

My job as an Initiate Of The Sound Current On The Path Of Soul Transcendence is to simply put it out. And to do so Neutrally.

So I did. My contact at the company chose the shift for the reasons I offered; and, also, because it satisfied concerns of his about categories for the old award, which he now took the opportunity to share; as for that “approval”, nothing of the sort needed.  

As for that concocted story, underneath it was fear. Of the responses of others; of speaking up; of getting yelled at; of making a mistake (having to be perfect). A whole bunch of patterns from childhood and, as I’ve Learned from My Teacher, before that.

Moreover, as an Initiate, I Know that negativity that I persist in is karma for which I’m responsible.

And, choosing away from that sharing, as I Learned from the November Talk, would have been incredibly disrespectful to the executive and everyone else I’m working with at the company. And, to mySelf/the Spirit I am/The Teacher because I’m outside of Integrity/The Teachings. Because we’re all One Spirit, the karma/negativity I choose to create affects All Souls.

In the November Talk, My Teacher calls it a “Withhold”.

But so what of negativity? The Teachings Teach me to Focus into Spirit and to Live as That. That’s the Focus.

And, if I do end up with some negativity because I’ve persisted in it, I stop and use the Two-Part Release Technique like this, “Lord, God, send me Your Light! Lord, God, for the Highest Good please take [any fear of speaking up] from me now!” I tell mySelf, it’s OK to let it go! And I let it go.

And, if I have a preference regarding this sharing; for instance, that this particular person shift to the more beneficial award then I Co-Create that with the Lord, God by Calling in the Light Of The Most High, as explained above, and I ask for what I prefer; for instance, the switch, as noted. I let go and I Trust. That’s it!

And I’m Neutral so I’m fine if it happens and fine if it doesn’t.

My job is to Live The Teachings.

Since making the choice to share – instead of making a decision for someone else – I’ve noticed that I need to share in this way quite often. Just this afternoon, I was dropping some things off at a friend’s apartment house and, after that, I realized that I had some information regarding this “drop off” and I caught mySelf starting to keep it to mySelf, the good old pattern.

Instead, I texted the information. Otherwise, I would have made a decision for this friend that was hers to make based on this information.

All I can say is, what a difference sharing makes! I am free from the karma I would have created – and am Responsible for – by having made a decision for someone else. As I’ve Learned from My Teacher, what I do inside mySelf affects all of Creation because, in Reality, we’re all One. When I Live in Integrity It helps “others” to do so. Because I’m Lifting and because we’re all One, it makes it easier for “others” to Lift as well. Lifting is an attachment-free zone. It’s quite a Gift!

And per the Perfect Simplicity of The Teachings, all I do is put it out.


That’s it.

*For further Growth and Upliftment order the November 2022 Satsang by going to, clicking on shop/download in the upper righthand corner and putting A303 in the search box when you arrive on the next page. The Talk’s Title is “Are You Paying A Withholding Tax?: A Participatory Satsang.” You can also go to and click on Newsletter in the upper righthand corner for the current Issue and for past Ones as well.

Copyright 2023. Soundly Inc. All rights reserved.

Listening To Spirit

While on vacation recently, my family and I stopped for lunch. Afterwards, as my husband proceeded to back out of the parking spot our eight-year old son noticed that my husband had looked left and right over his shoulders, but did not look into the screen that shows the image from our backup camera. Our son asked, “Dad, why don’t you use the back-up camera when going in reverse?”

My husband proceeded to explain that the backup camera wasn’t really necessary…that what was important was to look left and right. My husband then made a grand show of how proficient he is as a driver with dramatic looks to the right and left.

Five minutes later we stopped at a gas station to fill up. It was a small station and, once the tank was full, my husband had to go in reverse in order to leave the pump station. No sooner had he put it in reverse than we heard a “BOOM!” As my husband twisted left and right to look over his shoulders, he had failed to see what was directly behind him, which was perfectly visible in the backup camera view and had swiftly backed up into a large concrete post. Though minor, the accident had caused $1,700 worth of damage to the rear of the vehicle and gave us all quite a start!

I walked away from this experience with a profound sense of amazement of the Wonder and Love of the Lord, God. I Know through my own direct experience and through the gentle Guidance of My Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, that Spirit lives in me as me – and lives in each one of us as us. We are One. And when one is Present with the Spirit within, as Dr. Lane has described, “Spirit goes ahead and answers our needs and gives us our needs and supplies us and all we have to do is listen. … Spirit anticipates us, our movement through time and space and runs out ahead and all we have to do is be open and receive.” [Tools for Living Free # 42 “Learning To Listen to YourSelf”]

Had my husband been open to the beautiful, innocent inquiry of our child (of Spirit) perhaps he would have used that as a reminder to look right, left AND center when backing out of a parking spot and could have avoided an accident. For me, it was such a wonderful reminder from Spirit that the Love and Support of the Lord, God emanates within me and is all around me. That I can use every opportunity in this physical life – even a child’s simple question – to Educate myself and Hear Spirit.

Borrowing from My Blessed Teacher, below is a Step-by-Step one can do to assist with the daily practice of Focusing into the Spirit you are. I highly recommend following along:

  1. Call in the Light of the Most High by saying, “Lord, God, send me Your Light!”
  2. Get quiet and say inside yourself, “Lord, God for the Highest Good take my agenda, my hurt and my pain!”
  3. Tell yourself, “(your name), it’s okay to let it go!”
  4. Ask God to Bless whatever situation with which you are dealing by saying, “Lord, God for the Highest Good take care of this situation for me!”
  5. Attend Meditations Of The Light Of The Most High at any Regional Center.
  6. Request the Gift of Initiation and learn to really listen to the Spirit you are.

[Tools for Living Free # 42 “Learning To Listen to YourSelf”]

For further information on this blog, about our Services, reprint rights, media interviews or to have a Service brought to your area, please email

Copyright 2022. Soundly Inc. All rights reserved.

The Antidote to Jealousy

According to the Teachings Of The Path Of Soul Transcendence that Dr. Lane, the Founder/Director of Cosmos Tree and Center For Religion And Advanced Spiritual Studies (CRASS), Brings Forth, when jealousy comes up inside of me it’s a sign that I falsely believe that someone else has something that I can’t have.

The antidote, according to the Teachings, is to give whatever that is to mySelf inside mySelf. Then, once I have done that – evaluate it to see if I really prefer to give whatever that is to mySelf outwardly – as Dr. Lane explained to me, “that takes care of it.”

Let me give you a recent example! Not long ago, jealousy came up for me when some friends started talking about a fancy vacation they had just taken. Afterwards, I worked it inside mySelf by simply giving that fancy vacation to mySelf inwardly. I made it OK to spend the money; to take that time off from work. As someone who rarely travels for leisure, I made it OK to just do it!  

As an Initiate On The Path Of Soul Transcendence constantly Educated by Dr. Lane, My Spiritual Teacher, I knew that jealousy had an Antidote and it was to give whatever that is to mySelf. While writing this blog, though, I received much-needed Clarification from Dr. Lane. The Antidote is to give this to mySelf inside mySelf. It’s not simply giving whatever that “thing in the world” is to mySelf outwardly – minus the Inner Work. And examining it afterwards is an important part, too.

There’s something else that I’ve discovered about inwardly giving mySelf these “things” or something similar to them and it’s this: the more I give these “things of the world” to mySelf, the more I find out that I don’t want them. It’s rare, indeed, that I actually prefer something once I do the Inner Giving and then examine it.

Take that fancy vacation, for example. Once I did the Inner Giving, I researched fancy spas, including the one in question and I looked at possible dates to go there, etc.  Then, whoa, nelly! I discovered that I had no interest whatsoever in taking a fancy spa vacation. I realized that as a solo traveler I prefer trips that involve actually doing something more than taking a yoga class or going to the beach; say, writing an article about the trip – circumstances where I have instant access to people and something to do that is already kind of set up for me. I also recalled that I had actually been to the fancy spa in question many years ago and, even though it had been given an upgrade, I didn’t see any reason to go again.         

There’s another Powerful Antidote to jealousy: the Two-Part Release Technique. I recently used It when jealousy came up in a different way – it was directed at a person. In this instance, I falsely believed that someone was getting more attention than I was. I also recognized this as a familiar pattern; it doesn’t much matter if the outer circumstance is work-related or involves the Service I do for Cosmos Tree/CRASS.

I applied the Two-Part Release by Calling in the Light Of The Most High like this: “Lord, God, send me Your Light!”. Then saying inside mySelf: “For the Highest Good Lord, God, please take any jealousy I have of [fill in the person’s name]! And I tell mySelf “(my name) it’s OK to let it go!” I let it go and I do it as needed.

Finally, re: the first example and its Antidote, that much-needed Clarification from Dr. Lane was crucial. I received It by choosing to place mySelf in the Presence of the Teacher, a Gigantic Opportunity That I recommend to all those reading this! You can do This by calling in for Open Hour, the time each week when Dr. Lane is available to all for Spiritual Counseling; attending a Meditation Of The Light Of The Most High in-person at the Cosmos Tree/CRASS Home Center; and/or by requesting a private session with Dr. Lane. This crucial Clarification reinforced for me that giving inwardly to mySelf is the way I need to work everything. It’s all Inner Giving.  

As for the Two-Part Release, it was My Teacher Who Instructed me to remind mySelf to do this Process by writing it on an index card and placing that card where I can easily see it. As a result, I’ve been doing It every day.

What an Opportunity to Learn, let go and live more freely!

For further information on this blog, about our Services, reprint rights, media interviews or to have a Service brought to your area, please email

Copyright 2021. Soundly Inc. All rights reserved.

Are You In Your Little Room?

If I were to describe the one thing that takes up my time and energy when I could be putting it to much better use it’s when I am in “my little room” doing my little thing as if no one else is there. Just my little thing as if no one else matters.

The result of being “in my little room” is that I create a disturbance; I certainly disturb the person or persons involved with whatever it is that is being done; and my choice disturbs all of us because we’re One Spirit. It can be as simple as my choosing away from returning an email or phone call in clarity and in a timely manner or my sending written work to someone when I haven‘t taken the time to proofread it because I had something else I’d rather be doing. The “excuse” I give most often is that I was doing my “job”, my “job” in the little room sense of the word.

So, I’m sitting there late at night “cleaning it up.”

I know the little-room-ness of things from both sides of the fence – as disturber and disturbee. Here’s an example. In a recent Satsang My Teacher referred to someone focused on their “own little role”. That was me. Before the Talk began, I set up three devices to record the Talk; then after we had Meditated for two or three minutes, I asked My Teacher whether it was OK to start recording; then I repeated it again and I repeated it again even though My Teacher had said something but I didn’t hear it because I was focused on recording and when to begin doing that. Then My Teacher had to stop because of the interference I had caused.

At the beginning of the Talk, instead of being Present, I was focused on my own little “job”. By doing that, I chose into karma, which takes me out of the Forcefield – the Growth and Upliftment/the Grace brought Forward by My Teacher, Who now has to stop and work a lot harder to do That.

More important, my choice into karma broke the Forcefield. Through the Grace of My Teacher the Forcefield was reconstituted and the Satsang continued. If My Teacher had chosen otherwise, I would have been responsible for the Growth and Upliftment that the Souls present would otherwise have received from the Satsang.  

I was in my little room – focused on, OK, now I turn on the recorder. I was focused on my “job”, as if the Service I am Honored to do, were a “job” in the world. I left out the “big picture”, Which is My Teacher/God/all Souls. As long as I pushed that button on the recorder, who cares, really, what was needed, etc. That’s the attitude with it.

Here’s What My Teacher said in this regard during the Satsang:

“Now, if you paid close attention … at the beginning – that to me was very indicative that so many of us are focused on our own little role, not aware of a bigger sense going on. Not aware of the Spirit That we are, not aware, as was said so beautifully earlier, that God lives in us as us. So God lives in me as me. That It’s God and we need to have that sense – not just the sense of your little, small job egotistically – but how it fits in in the bigger picture and that you are the bigger picture and we all do our part to bring forth the movement of Spirit and the Spiritual Progression and the Spiritual Energy Patterns That are here and That come to the planet. …”

My deeper understanding is that I need to just Be and to Trust and to be quiet and to Allow the next step – rather than running my ego in everyone’s face – “my little job”, “my little job”, “my little job.” I’m with The Teacher inwardly, by Being in the Soul Body with Him.

I also Know that we are One Spirit; and that my choice to break the Forcefield, Which is an Extension of the Lord, God Himself into this world, disturbs all Souls. As My Teacher has Taught, a butterfly flapping its wings in one place – or my choice into karma – can cause a hurricane someplace else.

Earlier today, I asked someone to please send an email to someone with information about attending an Event that was taking place later today. The email was sent – and I thanked this person for their Service – only it left out key information that the person needed in order to attend.

I Received this action energetically as a “little room” action, a “my job in the world” experience. As a karmic/disturbing action. It took my time and my energy. I also cared that this person did, in fact, attend this Event; and to me, This Attendance was the Priority: that this Soul attend the Meditation Of The Light Of The Most High that evening, that this Soul Receive That Blessing/Tap into the Light.

When I asked that clear instructions be sent, the person responded that this person “was at work” and would do so soon. I have since Learned that I needed to say that this needed to be done immediately.

I was “at work”, too, on that Satsang conference call, outside mySelf doing the “job”. Blind to the Sacredness of The Service, to the Priority, habitually going with the priority with a small “p”, with the one(s) the basic selves – the part of us that brings forward our karmic patterns – want us to follow.  

One more example: I recently had a videoconference-call scheduled and the person was 30 minutes late. I waited. Same thing, basically – she was doing her “job” in the world, which, as it turned out, was “something came up with my kids that I had to take care of.” The focus was on “my little job” instead of on What My Teacher Teaches, Which is Individual Responsibility With And In A Group Focus.

Anytime I’m doing “my job” in the world and that’s my focus, I’m in karma and creating more and that disturbance is violence towards others. As My Teacher has Taught me many times, what I do affects others, The Teacher in particular.

The Solution is the Priority – the Job is Being Centered/Present; the Business I’m in is the Business of Loving God, as My Teacher Teaches. Being in Alignment with the Priority – Lining Up with That.

And doing Self-talk so that I am in Loving Cooperation inside mySelf.

Anything else is karma for which I’m Responsible.

For further information on this blog, about our Services, reprint rights, media interviews or to have a Service brought to your area, please email

Copyright 2021. Soundly Inc. All rights reserved.

The Story of the Vacuum Cleaner

About sixteen months ago I moved into a new apartment and, when I did, a friend of mine strongly recommended that I buy a particular vacuum cleaner. The friend also enthusiastically told me about a great “deal” this friend had gotten on it and that if I went online now, I could get the same one. The deal involved signing up for six “easy” monthly payments.

I quickly purchased the cleaner by way of the easy payments.

Then a few things happened. First, I fell behind in the payments. Second, I shared my own enthusiasm for the new machine – it was the “hot, new” cordless one – with a Fellow Initiate who had also been cleaner-shopping.

I was so excited about my newfound cordless vacuum that I urged my dear friend to stop by for a personal demonstration. My friend was Neutral and chose to simply ask questions about the machine and then to try it out. At first, I felt annoyed by all the questions because I was “caught” on taking it personally, as if she were making me wrong. And on my own “insistence” on being “right”.

Once I let go, however, I immediately began in a day or so to do in-depth machine-related research mySelf and boy! did I discover a lot. As someone with dust and other allergies, I found out that I needed to avoid an “open bag” machine like this one in favor of one with a “closed bag”.  I also realized that if other than dust were to be vacuumed up, an open container could potentially keep it in place instead of ultimately in the garbage. I recalled, too, that I had asked the company from which I had purchased it to please confirm that the machine had a HEPA filter – a safeguard for those with allergies – and that no matter how many times I had asked, the person had said “HEPA-style”. I had been so “caught” on pleasing my enthusiastic friends or perhaps being liked that I chose away from looking into it further.

Then I recalled something else: when I had first used the machine, it had suddenly stopped working after 30 minutes or so and I was unable to finish vacuuming the apartment. I had eventually watched a YouTube video from which I learned that the machine has approximately 35 minutes or so of vacuuming time on its lowest speed and ten on “max”. Research also showed that the machine could be hard to use (“unwieldy”) and I recalled that when my dear friend had picked it up to do a round of vacuuming it had taken her for a ride across the room.

Then, finally, I chose to read up on the machine in Consumer Reports hoping for a comprehensive “rundown” only to find out that the publication had stopped reviewing it because it didn’t meet its standards for review.

Then I noticed a whole lot of them for sale on ebay; and that the company had set up a separate division to do nothing but resell the machines there.

At first, post-research, I was stunned. How could this be? And isn’t this the hot new machine of the moment? The one “everyone” has?

It was no accident that my dear friend had come over and asked those pertinent questions and done so Neutrally. She treated herSelf Lovingly and her family as well. And she chose to role-model Living in Integrity and Responsibility.

It came to me pretty quickly after this visit, from a place of Integrity, that I needed to purchase a new machine that was the best for my health and for those who visit me, which included Initiates who have sensitivities as well. I didn’t care about the money at all. I knew I was Supplied.  

And so I did the “new machine” research I needed to do and bought the best possible one for my health and that of anyone who visits me. The store where I  purchased it discounted it many times over and then insisted on delivering it to my home free of charge to make everything “easy” for me.

But what came next truly surprised me. The first time I vacuumed with the new machine, I noticed that the floors were shining as never before. Glowing. And they stayed aglow as if this were a permanent gift to me versus a thin film appearing in a day. Of course, I felt better, too, as if my lungs were able to spread their wings.

I Knew The Glow was the Glow of God. Once I had Lined up with mySelf, the outer cleaning mirrored the inner One. I Knew I was Worth it.

For further information on this blog, about our Services, reprint rights, media interviews or to have a Service brought to your area, please email

Copyright 2021. Soundly Inc. All rights reserved.

Dealing With Death

Two of my family members from the same extended family unit passed away this year. Both “deaths” left many of my remaining family members feeling sad, confused and angry… Searching for a sense of understanding about these occurrences, I turned to my Spiritual Teacher, Dr. Roger B. Lane, and His Enlightened Talk #A210 “’Death’ And Its Unveiling: A Participatory Satsang”. This Talk clearly and powerfully explains the True meaning of ‘Death’ and helped me to lift above my emotions and stay Focused with Spirit many times during the past few months.

In the Talk, Dr. Lane speaks on two main topics. The first is the True meaning of ‘Death’ and the second is how we as Hu-mans in the physical world can respond to ‘death’ in our life.

The first topic, the True meaning of ‘Death’, is the most important part of the Talk. For in the Talk, Dr. Lane explains that ‘Death’, as we commonly understand it, does not exist. We are Souls and the Soul within us is Immortal. And in fact, we have it backwards on this planet; this life that we lead is Spiritually called Death and it is our Responsibility – our ONLY job – to use this ‘dead’ life to Resurrect to Life Eternal.

In other words, the purpose of Hu-man life is to Know ourSelves as Spirit and the only way to do that is to take Initiation Into The Sound Current and Ride this Current to Eternal Life. This is reflected in a Bible quote Dr. Lane often refers to from Matthew 8:22, in which Jesus the Christ said, “Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead” as He was referring to those who believe in the illusion of “death”.

Dr. Lane says this again in the Tools For Living Free #36 “Dealing With ‘Death’”,

“…part of our Divine Inheritance is that we ‘defeat death’. How do we ‘defeat death’? By coming to know our Soul directly, know ourSelves as the Eternal One and live in the Teachings of the Path Of Soul Transcendence, Which, basically, teach us to be Present with the Lord, God and surrender everything that isn’t His, that isn’t Eternal.”

The second topic in the Talk deals with how we can deal with and respond to a loved one who has died. Dr. Lane talks about mourning and the importance of honoring being in the physical, but that mourning is best done from a Loving place. This means moving into Appreciation for the time shared together. Dr. Lane says, “…how about a celebration because it was you the agreement was with to be a “sister”, “child”, etc. You were chosen and got to participate in this person’s Love and Light!”

Dr. Lane continues by talking about the purpose of the body, which is to “last only as long as the Soul needs” and that everything is done in perfect timing and is Spiritually correct. This means that when someone dies the Soul within that person has agreed to the time, place, mode of ‘death’ and nothing is being ‘done’ to that person. The Talk reminds us to let go of any judgments we may have about ‘death’ or the person who has ‘died’ and to see every situation in our life, even ‘death’, as an Opportunity to be Present with the Spirit we are.

Finally, for those who struggle with letting go of the loved one who is no longer in the physical, Dr. Lane suggests using the Two-Part Release Technique to be free of attachments like this:

  1. 1. Say within yourSelf, “Lord, God send me Your Light! Please take from me any emotional needs I may have or want the deceased to fulfill.”
  2. 2. Tell yourSelf, “(your name) it’s OK to let it go! ”
  3. 3. Ask Spirit to fulfill that longing for the person or whatever needs you are insisting that person fulfill for you.

To listen to the Talk A210 “’Death’ And Its Unveiling: A Participatory Satsang” in full, visit the Cosmos Tree Shop here.

For further information on this blog, about our Services, reprint rights, media interviews or to have a Service brought to your area, please email

Copyright 2019. Soundly Inc. All rights reserved.

Life Like No One is Watching

“Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose,” Janis Joplin crooned from the dust of my 1970’s record collection. I sang along as raspy as much my childhood voice could accommodate, quickly digesting this advice as the embodiment of the theory that the less you have, the less that can be taken away from you. Freedom through this lens appeared as a badge of honor worn by those who stayed light on their feet, lived on the outskirts of all that life has to offer and carved themSelves into the shadow of what they actually wanted for fear they would be attached to it, leveraged by it or lose it. From what I could see it also looked like heavy smoking, motorcycle riding and un-brushed hair.

Who Is The Lord, God?

Recently, my children have begun to wonder and ask questions about Spiritual Realities like “Who is God?”; “Who is Jesus?”; “What is Grace?”; etc. Despite the fact that I am a devout Initiate On The Path Of Soul Transcendence who spends much of her time Focused on the Spirit within and in Love and in Devotion to the Lord, God, I initially felt afraid I would not be able to answer these questions. How do I explain something in words that I know directly through experience so that it can be understood by children?

Knowing: How To Listen To Your True Self!

What do I do when I don’t know what to do about a situation? I turn inside mySelf to the greatest resource and comfort that there is, the Soul within. Maybe there is a relationship in my life that I have chosen to be troubled over. I might be worried about money or a health condition of a loved one. Up until recent years, my instinct and immediate response has been to follow the concern down the rabbit hole and chew on all the negative scenarios that could possibly unfold until I am sufficiently tied up in knots. At times I’ve had restless nights of sleep, obsessively returning thoughts paired with ravenous emotions that eat at me. Through my choices into this negativity I thwart my ability to see solutions, observe things objectively and have a Spiritual Perspective on life.

Participation Check

Participation Check is a concise and powerful Tool that involves registering within myself if I am positive, Present and engaged or simply puttering by in life, am into my repetitive inner story line of hurt, worry, fear and simultaneously contracting my energy. Similar to an interested scientist, when I do a Participation Check, I simply look within and take tally of what I find. Am I harboring anger? Am I considering life to be the boring doldrums and just scrapping by the day with an inner grumble? Do I notice the world around me and am I Present with the gifts and Blessings that each moment offers – whether is it a flower blooming beside the bus stop or a child laughing or a co-worker bringing me a tea? Essentially, the question is, am I awake in this moment to the flow of Love around me?